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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. AI will mark all human junk as fake or plagiarized. Only AI essays will stay.
  2. I keep nine honest planet-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are Mer, Ven, Ear, and Mar Jup, Sat, Ura, Nep, and Plu. (c) R. Kipling
  3. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/spacex-starship-explosion-port-isabel-b2323858.html That's a great name for SH: Vesuvius.
  4. Once somebody will familiarize this AI with the language and arts...
  5. Banned for revealing dark secrets.
  6. They tried. Got you. He could own a house with insurance, damaged by Starship. But it's just a car. Life sucks.
  7. This way looks more immersive for viewers. P.S Happily, they hadn't overturned the sensors.
  8. One could say "Jingle bells", but based on the video, they should obviously check the quaternion calculation routine.
  9. (Tries again to imagine how could one dig the ground with almost vertical solar panel at the very top.) (It was moving retrograde, so the concave side of the panel would be looking down. Its cruise speed ~ 1 km/h, so unlikely there was a dust storm from the wheels.)
  10. Also because NASA said that it's still in orbit. https://www.rbc.ru/politics/20/04/2023/644077739a79476a7d3e76b2?from=from_main_6 An anti-aircraft S-300, like always when it fails and falls down. Of course, "used by R as tactical missile", not "dropped by handy U rocketeers".
  11. Because you didn't read the ancient history thread to get ensured that he doesn't.
  12. High lithobraking speed both makes infiltration faster (and thus protects from excessive radiation dose) and allows to enter the subglacial ocean without mining procedures.
  13. Nobody can hear what do you want, because you are bottled. I wish for a dwemer mythrilleuse.
  14. Eric is banned by his (more) evil twin, Bantolomew.
  15. It's zoomed Jupiter. Europa is a moon of it.
  16. It means "MyProject1". Also, why are the Deutsch submachineguns called MP#? For the same reason. Just they prefer accuracy, while the Americans prefer economy and save money on a letter stamp. Interesting, when WonderWoman was serving in army in 2004, didn't they miss the opportunity to mock at her in the "Gal's Galil" way. 3M vs M-4 every went != every came
  17. A failed ban. The ban subject description is too complicated.
  18. Let's let the insurance companies decide, which case is a planet and which one is not. They vote with their money.
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