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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. When you see that the previous poster used rol, ror, but no lol command.
  2. Banned for provocative questions.
  3. Granted. Two launches appeared to be too many. I wish to choose between PHP and NodeJS.
  4. So, among the other KSP-2 bugs, there is a flat Kerbin?!
  5. Banned for being so bloodthirsty.
  6. The real healthy They will. Just cook it properly, with the natural GMO-free fire.
  7. Aand now about a neutrino steam engine, using the pressure of neutrino gas to move the piston...
  8. Granted. Now you may drive Enterprise. I wish for a flashlight photon rocket.
  9. Banned for recursive infinalization.
  10. Just another emotion recognition training set.
  11. Floor 3334: A shrine shrimp in a Shrimp Shrine.
  12. Tourists. You were instictively selecting the people who looked different. They knew English and were happy themselves to meet somebody else speaking English. She's from your town, and she took French. As you can see, it didn't help her a lot. If you had attended a Catholic school, you could at least find somebody to ask in Latin, like in good old medieval times.
  13. Banned for doubling the words instead of using the standard notation. Langua(guage)2.
  14. If ULA was developing a winged hovercraft pet project, they could name it PetULA.
  15. Banned for mistyping langwidzh.
  16. Presuming that anyone thinks so is cheating.
  17. No, no, you're absolutely right about the nasaspaceflights.
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