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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. It's Mireille, our diner mascot. Mimi, get out! Waiter! Hallucigenia stew, please.
  2. Banned for starting a new page and making the previous poster the lowest one on the previous page.
  3. Dinosaurs were invented to sell plastic toys.
  4. Do you have a red-and-white umbrella? P.S. Just got an idea. Red-and-white umbrellas used to mark covid places/persons "Keep safety distance!"
  5. If start snowing on Dune, the sandtrouts will sink, and there will be a lot of space spice.
  6. Everyone, who is waiting for A Song of Ice and Fire final books, will follow the author to escort him in the afterlife.
  7. Why not generate new episodes of Star Warz on demand? They anyway have turned into an endless recursive mess, and 90% of characters are CGI so noone will see difference, but it's much cheaper, customizable, and thus immersive.
  8. To make you think that your tea doesn't. Waiter! Reload the sugar bombs, please.
  9. Go harwards. Enter Harvard.
  10. (Quickly covers the found skeleton with sand) "I am the first person on Mars."
  11. The highest density of info per minute is in her youtubes about ISS things, with quick disassembling/reassembling in situ. *** Also, they've tested a space helicopter.
  12. Yes, when if a meat fell from ceiling. Salesman! Why do you call this centipede hot dog?
  13. Temporarily banned with temporal fizzix.
  14. Using the lazer to make people lazy is cheating. Calling your adepts "things" is cheating, even if you are an illuminati master.
  15. Sorry, we dropped some Mercury there. Waiter! Is it a hamburger? It's a hamburgee.
  16. When you realise that talking to the toothpick is as informative as any other talk, but doesn't require a phone.
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