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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Why interrupt a football soccer match? That's US. As they want more viewers, they should interrrupt a baseball or a rugby football match.
  2. The vampires aren't afraid of garlic. They disdain it.
  3. Blue Shift is banned by the Combines.
  4. Granted (probably). "Up! Date! Every body has reverted! Welcome to the Yoga Dating Club." I wish for a flying saucer. It would self-return to the kitchen.
  5. Bring a lot of water, as probably the Venusian minerals are totally dehydrated and can't form a hydrosphere of any kind. Return carbon from CO2 onto ground and bind it into soil. As elementary carbon is chemically inert, this means that you have to bring a lot of chemical compound reacting with CO2 (like the air regeneration systems do). Or you can trying this with bacteria, but there is an unexpected problem: bacteria love water. So, the less water you have, the fewer bacteria you can herd, the lower is the bacterial concentration, the slower is their reproduction. In the Earth ocean it took a billion years or so to bring first results. So, the bacterial way looks as viable as the Venusian dinosaurs are. To get the alcali oxides, you should extract them somewhere where they are. Outside of Venus, as the local alcali are already there and thus splitting the local carbonates would also bring additional CO2. So, probably you need some gypsum to extract CaO and O, condense S, and bind CO2 with CaO. Probably, there is a lot of gypsum on Venus, as it definitely doesn't suffer from absence of sulfur. Thus, you should bring comets and snow them; split gypsum and bind CO2 into the limestone, use the lime to cover large areas to make Venus blinding-white and reflect the solar light more effectively, and form oases in artificial valleys, form water channels for heat exchange between the long-day and long-night hemispheres. Before that you should form a stable cloud of dust between the Sun and the Venus, to absorb the solar wind and UV, as there is still no magnetosphere. The cloud should be placed at Lagrange point. The dust should have high molecular mass to be stable, thus it's some kind of minerals, maybe remains of the comets which brought water. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camille_Flammarion Les Habitants de L'Autre Monde *** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planeta_Bur *** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voyage_to_the_Planet_of_Prehistoric_Women
  6. Granted. But you see nothing, as Mu-Mu just splashed in underground water filling our basement, because the pump was switched off on the asteroid hazard. I wish for one more dose of this sauerkraft.
  7. The weight isn't. The mass is important even in zero-g, it's inertion.
  8. 1. Any reproduction needs a lot of time for same chemical reactions to form same amount of structures. No biocreature can reproduce at the Earth temperature faster than the Earthlings do. (And it would boil if tried to get hotter, because the proteins would denaturate). 2a. Queens exist in hives, at least because they suppress other females reproductive ability by her pheromones, and because a hive is a fixed structure. Actively moving species can have only minor queenlets in their small families, but not anything like ants or bees. 2b. A queen should be quickly replaceable, to get a new one when the previous one is gone. Thus the queens can exist only for tiny species with thousands of chemically suppressed females. When the suppression fails (no queen - no pheromones), a random one quickly develops its reproductive ability and becomes a new queen. It's impossible for large multi-year species. So, the very setting is totally anti-scientific.
  9. The Telegrams post tells about 160 kg mass, huge joints and their dust pollution, poor design of gloves and boots. Do they need more?
  10. Afair, the Venus doesn't have a Moon, so it was never partially melted inside by the rapid unplanned interaction, while the Earth was. Thus, the process of core extraction on in the (semi-liquid inside) Earth was running much faster, and a huge plume of lightweight original minerals was pushed out from the iron bubble, which was forming the future core. The alumosilicate plume reached the surface and formed a lightweight continental flatbread, floating on denser minerals of the mantle. (Not wjere it had raised up, but at the opposite point of the Earth, where the geological tsunami was stopped by itself and stayed calm). Thus, the Earth is quickly rotating in a random direction caused by the proto-Moon trajectory and further tidal smoothing, it has continental platforms (remains of the original flatbread), an active core which causes a magnetosphere, and the Moon. While Venus keeps its original rotation, slow and in initial direction. The protoplanetary pieces on the orbits below are moving faster than the planet and giving momentum it in the orbit directon, while the pieces on higher orbits are moving slower, get caught by the planet and give its upper part a counter-orbutal momentum, thus both make the finally formed planet rotate slow and in the Venusian direction. Later the tidal forces adjust this. The Venus rotation couldn't be caused by the Earth or the Sun gravity, because the Earth rotation wasn't. As Venus was not disturbed by some large proto-moon, and thus was not quickly softened inside, its core extraction was running much slower and calmer, thus no powerful continental plume had appeared at once, and it doesn't have continental platforms comparable to the Earth, only cracks (tesseras) caused by cooling. Also, that's why it doesn't have an active core and a magnetosphere. Several hundred million years ago the gravitational differentiation reached the point when finally large amounts of lithophylic minerals reached the surface and caussed mass volcanism, having digested the original Venusian surface. Now we can find random aftershocks of the finished volcanism.
  11. Granted. You get a car for free, but it's corroded. I wish for 'Oumuamua photo.
  12. +1 The Axiom-1 lunar mission. Do they realize that a dirty lunar suit looks crappish-brown rather than gray?
  13. Non-shaking hands are required, to tilt it carefully.
  14. The wand is meh. A halberd is true.
  15. 1. You may call me a patriarchal chauvinist pig, but the presenter looks very convincing, I tend to believe in all this, it just can't be a fake. (The guy to the right probably also said something wise and important, probably should listen him, too.) 2, NASA has bought and installed the Mothership Zeta DLC. Now officially. 2a. After the Brotherhood of Steel Pentagon had done it. 2b. Operation Anchorage is on the table? 3. That's what I'm pointing at for a decade on this forum. Instead of the stupid clay heaps on Mars, or probing various iceballs and flying stones, everything should be focused on the alien artifact searching. If not these ones, then some of previous aliens just must have left their rubbish around. 4. They have a problem with apostrophes. 5, It looks too aerodynamic and absolutely unspherical. It's made to be piercing the interstellar medium. And it looks too similar to some analogs. It can be an alien goldonder, spreading around the assault phototurbs, you never know. 6. (Btw about Anchorage.) 7. They also send the interstellar air balloons.
  16. The last defenders of the Earth look so much equipped in the video. These should be:
  17. Sitting and reading the documentation. Sitting and writing the reports.
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