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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Panels have rectangular cross-sections. Wings and etc don't.
  2. When most of these problems were happily fixed or bypassed by the KSP-1 late releases and mods, whose source code was available from the very KSP-2 development beginning. But why look into the cookbook recipes when the cook knows better.
  3. Summoning them by calling the name is cheating.
  4. Haven't seen it for decades, and now am shocked. Now I feel my university knowledge corrupted, too...
  5. If KSP 1 EA software had KSP 2 EA hardware... And the (50 : 10) fivefold income for the company in Mexico.
  6. Like a T-800. To bee or to bumblebee? That is the question.
  7. Banned for making me to open another thread to post the answer.
  8. Floor 3311: An 1:1000 voodoo globe to magically rule the Earth. With pins.
  9. KSP-1 with mods or KSP-2 with bugs Every top-end hardware owner decides on theirs own.
  10. Why? The Kerbal animation looks the most perfectly developed part of the game. Thus, this specialist(s) probably could be used more effectively. *** Had they even looked the KJR mod before release?
  11. That's why advanced devs make a HalfLife-like half-hour-long intro, and then a good first level. Then it's late to refund.
  12. with the KSP-1 ready-to-use source code and githubs of modders at hands... Yeah, yeah.
  13. Granted. It hardly has Kerbals, let alone the insects... ... or do you mean the sound of invisible crickets? I wish for the KSP-1 revival.
  14. NERVA is an equivalent of RD-0411, and I'm in the RD-0411 country. So, granted and wished vice versa.
  15. Sitting in the corporative dungeon, working and awaiting for the day-after-tomorrow piece of bread. Still not worked off enough for the hatch to be opened for some light and air. This cruel world of profit and capital... *** Could be drinking after the day-before-yesterday event, but unlikely everyone. So, probably the first.
  16. Да, но зато какая мимика! Какая экспрессия! Не этого ли не хватало в KSP-1. Умиляет сравнение визуала и системных требований в видюшках двух одновременно вышедших пожирателей дискового пространства: КСП-2 и Атомик Харч. Кербалы на бочках прожорливее балерин будут.
  17. Using game launchers to let the World Secret Government control you is a help in cheating.
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