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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Ein Hind Burg. (is Hinden plural? Doesn't matter, it was.)
  2. A guess. Cuz when you are iPhoning the screen, it's blinking, while consoles don't allow to install a video recording soft. Thus, you are trying to show to your friends what a cool player you are, and they are watching a blinking video and think instead that you are a poor loser without iPhone. So, the higher is frequency, the smoother is film, the stronger you look.
  3. baloney baloney = baltwoy bal1y bal1y = bal2y bal(1 1) = bal(2)y Legit? Legthemall! Is KSP the last KSP-1 release?
  4. How can I forget it, when it stops me in the middle of the room when I'm trying to walk too fast. 1. Then he will drift in the direction of sleepy falling... 2... towards the ventilation fan.
  5. At least one way to reach the middle of the room and stay there in zero-g without drifting to any wall? To move there, you need a push. To stay there you need a retrograde push. If you can make a retrograde push in the middle, then why not do it again to move? And how can it zerize the velocity vector so precisely?
  6. When people make their bets on future optimization, do they presume that obviously experienced software developers were writing things from scratch in a school student manner, making stupid mistakes which make the game several times slower than it should be? Ten nested loops with memory leaks in each? Yes. Noone will optimize the already sold project unless it's a complete failure. Because he is paid for the new one. Nobody will allow him spend his worktime on optimization of the previous one.
  7. Ignition is not a problem. Option 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolina_Reaper Option 2. Something causing backhurt.
  8. Mordor is not black, it's ashy-darkgray. MoreDore.
  9. KSP-1 was an earthquake. KSP-2 currently looks like an aftershock.
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loading_gauge https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermodal_container https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitruvian_Man https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Docking_System_Standard If a human gets stuck, it will take off a part of clothes and either throw it or use as lasso.
  11. Granted. You consist of ulquarks. I wish. Just wish.
  12. Granted. You have an immortal Kerbal snack. I wish to systematize my external HDDs.
  13. Whiteland (former Greenland, several centruries ago.)
  14. In the drugstore down the street. They have these fancy new things like electric lamps and telephone outlets.
  15. Cat in the Hats is cheating when there is Cat in Boots.
  16. Trump → nine princes of Amber Pet → their familiars So, Morgenstern (Julian's), Donner & Blitzen & their four unnamed bros (Evelyn's).
  17. They do it daily with Venus, why shouldn't montly with Moon? Are the morning Venus and the evening Venus the same Venus?
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