A little notice.
The gravity is not a significant actor on such short distances which 99% of the human science deals with.
All it needs to know about gravity, is "g = 9.81 m/s2".
Looking back, the XVII..early XX experiments required such primitive equipment, that it could be produced even in an early Bronze Age neolithic village, if they knew in which direction they should think.
Including the primitive particle accelerators and X-rays.
And most part of chemistry didn't relate to a field theory until early XX.
In the early XX they were thinking that atom is an amorphous pudding with electrons as raisins.
A little later the scattering experiments ensured them that some of the electrons are orbiting around a pudding nucleus, which consists of protons and other electrons.
Only in 1932 they discovered the neutron and got the idea that the nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. Also they realized that there can be isotopes and discovered deuterium.
Only in 1934 they discovered tritium and its radioactive decay, and finally came to the idea of a primitive full-hydrogen fusion bomb (of then-future RDS-6t style).
Only in 1938..40 they finally discovered the uranium fission and came to the idea of a fission bomb, and thus how to ignite the full-hydrogen fusion bomb. And only a decade later they came to the idea of a (then-ont very well understood) radiation implosion.
In 1940s the primitive V-2 had no analogs anywhere in the world, and the German chemistry as well.
In 1950s they were laughing at the continent drift, and in 1980s they were teaching in schools the false geosinclinal theory instead.
In early XX they were still sure that the Galaxy is the whole Universe, so the whole Universe can be colonized in observable future.
Almost till the mid XX they were seriously thinking that Mars and Venus are full of life.
The relativity theory and the quantum physics were treated as nonsense by the opposite theory adepts, and both at once as more conservative scientists.
So, the field theory, and especially the gravitation played a very little role in the modern science building until last several decades.
And even if it got reveled that the Earth is flat and covered with a crystal dome, 99% of science would not be affected at all.