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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. It's a dinosaur oil. Waiter! A dinosteak, please.
  2. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-officials-believe-flying-objects-over-alaska-canada-were-balloons-schumer-2023-02-12/ Check&mate, UFO unbelievers. P.S. Though, the "aliens" sound ambiguously. P.P.S. Looks like every second balloon is a blimp from Alpha Centauri. So Kerbal...
  3. Reminding of https://tass.com/science/1561119 So, the words are the words. It's not known, what exactly happened to PMS-21.
  4. With a phase protractor. Is a protractor driver called "protractorist"?
  5. Yes, "Oh..." This is what you could say in the Martian air.
  6. Run a rap battle between ChatGPT and Bard. Their names look self-explaining. Enter their responses as queries.
  7. Based on the modern canon, John Connor will defeat Skynet in 2029. Now we know, how Skynet was/will be aware of the nukes.
  8. If AI (Watson? ChatGPT? whatever...) was attempting to take under control the humans, it would start from groping the balance in election results, making the result asymptotically look like "50.1% : 49.9%" every time... Wait... Oh, ...
  9. Amoebius An amoeba of a Moebius strip shape. Relocates the prey into a dimensional trap and topologically eats it.
  10. Chairman with minigun The People's Hill Council
  11. Granted. You are imprisoned in the phantom B-727 endlessly flying on its route. I wish for a super-accurate sliding rule.
  12. Banned for not using hexadecimals.
  13. When you first start thinking about the RGB numbers of the picture above.
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