@Codraroll @Beccab
The article and my comment are about the US proposals for 1 bln.
Probably, you have reacted before realizing it, so your reaction looks ambiguous.
But anyway, thank you for support.
When you understand why in the phrase "A Million Dollars"
there is "a million" but no "of" what (the "dollars");
but on the other hand, there is a plural in "million dollars" but there is a preceding "a" (which is kinda for singulars).
and on the third hand, why not a "a dollarmillion", "dollarthousand", "dollarhundred", if the "million" is just a prefix and needs no plural suffix "s", like "1 Mdollar", "1 kdollar".
Self-tested . I'm not a nerd , i don't know.
Granted. You don't sleep, you produce. After having a look at what you have produced, you wish to sleep it all back.
As the previous poster already has 143 posts, I wish the White Hand of Saruman on his profile picture is just a forum software bug, not a real White Hand of Saruman.
It's not designed for reentering or diving as well.
The communication is not a problem, the probes are managed at many AU, just attach a better antenna.
This! They should boil the sweat and evaporate it outside instead of another coolant.
A biomechanical open-cycle stinky suit.
As there is a lot of Dune fans on this forum, why not refer to the wizdom of freemen?
Just cover the suit with rubber to prevent any evaporation, and you can walk in a hottest desert endlessly.
At least, the Dune says so.
Deorbiting ISS is pathetic.
It's much funnier to dock a nuke tug and launch it outside of the Earth SOI.
It would be the first interplanetary shelter ever. Maybe long after somebody will dock and await for rescue team.