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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Meanwhile, 2 months ago (idk if it was here) https://clintel.org/open-letter-to-global-leaders-assembled-at-cop27-in-sharm-el-sheikh-egypt/
  2. So, (to/yester)day depends on time zone Greta The Great explained everything about climate, life, and 42 in the Royal Festival Hall, but I'm not sure if the links are not political.
  3. 1 kW is pathetic. Even the Zeus/Nucleon is wannabe 1..3 MW.
  4. Happily, I was standing in a shelter pit, so SSTO landed above.
  5. ... and this explains why his nuclear site got hellified.
  6. It's "sylvan-" ("forest-") written by the greedy Romans who were never spending more ink on double letters.
  7. Project Horizon required 100+ Saturn launches to establish the tier 1 lunar base with just 12 infantrymen in it. That's why it had been cancelled/postponed before even Mercury could fly. Several low-thrust nuke tugs could be spiralling there and back again and significantly reduce the amount of chemical flights. (But as a tiny Luna-16-like lunar bug is able to nuke it up in a signle flight, so the R&D funding looks self-valuable itself. )
  8. Exclusively included. Are here, but not quite right here.
  9. +1 From the (due to the current events) first Steam-free community.
  10. Banned for telling that Wonder Graaf is not shocking.
  11. They whould send Bill, because he is an engineer, so his presence reduces the risk of failure.
  12. Routine monthly delivery to build and support a lunar base. No need in high thrust. A revival of the Project Horizon without the need in a hundred of Saturn V launches. *** But first of all, several decades of funding.
  13. Save roll.... Wow! Survived!
  14. Hey, modders! A new release will be released tomorrow! A new mod update is coming.
  15. All KSP resources are loaded at once, instead of loading/unloading on demand. Originally very ineffective texture graphics formats were being used, later replaced with dds. They took a lot of RAM.
  16. Banned because 21:00 is too early to start nighting.
  17. Banned because the night hasn't yet begun.
  18. Those ones, who don't read the signatures, are cheating.
  19. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/nasa-and-esa-agree-on-next-steps-to-return-mars-samples-to-earth NASA has selected the dropzone for the sample capsules when they get filled. P.S. When anyone needs them after landing there and having seen the several kilometer wide place full of the rover tracks and drill holes. Of course, they will need the century-old capsules, instead of taking a shovel and digging his own ones.
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