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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Just btw. I can't see a red star on the photo, but there is a clearly seen yellow trident on the fin. P.S. Maybe was returning to the UA base when the control failed, and it was keeping flying West unyil got empty. P.P.S. So, nobody had intercepted a 1970s old cruise-missile-like non-stealth noisy drone heading to a big Croatian city, when there was a lot of anti-aicraft on its way.
  2. It's a menu. Should I bring another plate, or you keep playing with food? Waiter! I asked for the lego soup, not for the plastic alphabet one.
  3. Use exponents. Are different integrals a kind of oxymoron?
  4. Check at 200 m below. It should be a secret shelter there, as the place is too much pretty far from any potential nuclear targets.
  5. The net throwers exist and are used since at least 1970s. (Caution, loud sound) Even in Soviet movies they were used at least twice.
  6. Granted. Elden asks you, why did you take his ring? I wish you have excuses.
  7. Better two than no. It's a good cheat.
  8. Let me do that for you. "More".
  9. It's a hype train, it's normal.
  10. If the planet is Zeelich, it doesn't have to be a giant. You can just go by floating ships, like by the ones at the Otringal haven or at the Island of Francos (btw about ISRU). A rather perfect, but underestimated world.
  11. Call Wasp. She knows. Why DC is better than Marvel?
  12. Banned because not all planets are marbles. There are also merbles, venbles, earbles, jupbles, satbles, etc.
  13. Granted. You installed WinAmp. I wish the VLC native view was not so ugly.
  14. Just moar booster to make the lift force. A subgas winged rocket submarine.
  15. A winged submarine having dived enough deep into a gas giant, becomes a plane.
  16. The nose-first (like a shell or a plane) was the main idea of early space projects. Bottom-first looked doubtful.
  17. It's like a planetarium, but stellarium. Also they have moonarium, cometarium, and terrarium for the terraformed things.
  18. As the only way to cool this reactor in space is radiation, and the radiator should be huge, and the pipes should be long, and the coolant hydraulic resistance would be enormous, you can't cool it with water. Either inert gas (like Xe-He), or metal droplets in electromagnetic field, and both options are still very limited. So, wait for aneutronic fusion reactors, and only then you can transform the nuclear energy directly into electricity without overheating.
  19. "The Australians believe that it's a sign of good luck when a black cat crosses your way... ... because it's the most safe thing you can meet in Australia."
  20. In the random world you are living in. Not in a predeterminated world existing in subjective microcosm. Could Red Riding Hood not meet the Wolf crossing the forest just because there are many trees around? No, because her path was constrained to the trail from location "Mom's Home" to the location "Grandmom's Home". So, the spacecraft just had no chances to miss the sea ship, because otherwise it would break the movie plot. I can't recall in details why did he not use the chute (and if it was onboard at all), but instead he had the craft hull obviously stronger than the ship decks. (As strong as Salyut-7 had in the Salyut-7 movie, when they were hitting it with a sledgehammer).
  21. Iirc, in this series (The Last Man on The Earth), the spaceman deorbits in a station module, falls down, hits a sea ship roof, breaks through several decks (thus braking) and happily splashs/lands. The astronaut was hanging alone in the orbital station when the mankind on the Earth disappeared, got partially mad, started talking to lab worms, etc. Later he joins the main party and stays as expendable character for several episodes.
  22. Banned for mismatch of the terminator angle and the light source position. (The previous one) This one is banned for ninjaing.
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