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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Fuselage of An-2 on the truck chassis. On reassmbly they appeared to be excessive and stayed lying on the table.
  2. The archived copy of ESA Space Environment Standard. https://web.archive.org/web/20131209094707/http://spacewx.com/Docs/ECSS-E-ST-10-04C_15Nov2008.pdf It has tables and formulas. The cosmic space follows this standard, at least over the territory of ESA jurisdiction.
  3. What is the "street"? It hardly knows what's a "road".
  4. On landing any nozzle is unburnt metal fuel.
  5. Smart guys use legs instead of catching a rocket by armpits.
  6. Crickets take the cricket bats and ban the human invaders.
  7. Granted. It's somewhere between the stars, and nobody (including you) can't find it. I wish the mentioned Tokyo had at least week to have a rest between the giant monster invasions.
  8. Whatever makes Woody Blockpecker happppppppppy. Is Zenozoik Clash world real? (I hope, it was)
  9. The waiters don't have names. They lack personalities. That's why they need the on-chest captions to be distinguished. Waiter! Is it 1795 or 1796 old bottle of Coca-Cola?
  10. Then why are you waking down? Turn around. I wish for a Wishzilla.
  11. The fried rice is all we have, and all you get. Waiter! I ordered a burrito, and you have brought a taco. Close it immediately!
  12. Fooling the word filter by mistyping in the word "asymmetry" is a pure cheating.
  13. Four is too few. Smart guys have six. If one fails, five stand.
  14. The talk was about estimates, and I just refer to Mercury. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury_(planet)#Surface_conditions_and_exosphere
  15. No. 4:45 is 0.0(8). What is this, sitting on your shoulder?
  16. The meaning of terrestrial life is to be a self-organized carbon cycle moderator.
  17. Your boiled carrots from four sorts of coloured soil and water. Waiter! Brahminbecue, please.
  18. Worship the Reign of Peace, mortals! Mwahahaha....
  19. It's a planet of Schroedinger. It either is, or not. So, we can conditionally celebrate it. Captured hydrogen and native sodium.
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