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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Using someone's betrayal to kill a minotaur is a cheating.
  2. Granted. See those brown spots on the rumpled front hull. I wish the time machine did not require daily recharge.
  3. The scene from Ep.V in the junk crusher was probably the best in whole franchise.
  4. Because a storm doesn't have a saddle to ride. What's better: Yrucrem, Inimeg or Ollopa?
  5. https://www-interfax-ru.translate.goog/world/821628?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru So, EU is now officially insectivorous.
  6. And that's also why expendable rockets are better than reusable ones. By making them, you train.
  7. NASA doesn't make the stuff, it manages the contract distribution.
  8. There is a thread in New Orleans They call it Rising Ban
  9. Only Ionian ones, while Minoan ones isn't.
  10. Exactly. That's why I believe that the Second Moon Race will be first of all an exttra money for SRB/ICBM manufacturers. And the question is not even in money. Once having captured such important hill as space rockets, it's not wise to leave it just because you have more money than it brings, and later get requiring its recapture.
  11. Bell nozzles are perfect reflectors, that's why the LK required an overhead flip after separation before the lunar landing.
  12. Shuttle Pilot... Shuttle Pilot, Shuttle Pilot... @ShuttlePilot! Shuttle Pilot?
  13. 0.25 Earth mass Another one is 6 Earth mass. Quarterearth, Quarterneptune Somebody has applied the 1:4 Solar System mod.
  14. Drain-O-Matic is broken. Somebody was trying to open it with a wire.
  15. Did I miss something 2 hours ago? I was thinking, they are going to launch, woke up, and run to PC to watch.
  16. And with Yangel, then later with Glushko, and a little with Makeev (the projects of silo SLBM as BM). (Let alone Myasishchev , Lulka, and Lavochkin with rocket planes). Also the engine skirmish between/among Glushko, Kosberg, Isaev, Lulka, Kuznetsov, with participation of Korolev and partially Chelomei. Nobody was bored. That was a real competition, unlike the NASA totalitarism.
  17. Orbital station assembly, large antennas, etc. https://www-buran-ru.translate.goog/htm/spirit.htm?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru#blabla Scientific lab 4 m in diameter (shorter than Spacelab) Probably izdeliye for everything flying. Also "of project XX" for anything. Just a colloquial internal name, various for various bureau. Actually named by GRAU code as 8K84, like every other rocket. Also the codes were radically changed in 70s. Also the rocket has one code, the complex in whole - another code. They are atmospheric, and their payload is not big.
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