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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Don't do that anyway. It will definitely violate something. Which one is better, PayPal or Patine?
  2. Yes. The sense of taste. A moment later you will fell it. Janitor! May I, please, your bucket and clothes for a second, to wash this plate, as your kitchen didn't.
  3. Banned for being too vulgar for a person of your age. And for bad grammar skills, also, as I said "ban", not "bon". Taylor Swift would not be proud of you, would not, yes... P.S. In advance everyone posting a nwe-pge warning is banned, just from negative trollism, as the nwe-pge itself is already looking green and fromunderbridgesquely.
  4. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/820419 A radproof milsat.
  5. Probably something from the ethnic cuisine. It was a folk restaurant previously. Walter! Are you a waiter?
  6. The vikings didn't wear helmets with horns.
  7. Yes, on the top of it. Waiter! Where are the bowls in your bowling? I can see only balls and bottles. P.S. Btw, if throw a bowl at the diner bottle shelf, does it turn the diner in a bowling?
  8. Granted. SpaceX has made Falcon so heavy, that it can't lift off. I wish they crossed CST-100 and Orion to reduce the part count.
  9. A properly packed 4 gigabyte anime occupies a megabyte on HDD FDD.
  10. https://spaceflightnow.com/2016/01/21/dragon-crew-capsules-propulsive-landing-system-tested/ "Parachutes"? Wut is "parachutes"? Some of us still remember those times... P.S. Interesting, how many chutes will the Starship require five years later.
  11. We can invent a Speedy-Sticky Omniroad Slimeblob. A large amorphous blob of slime with a cabin inside. The cabin is suspended in a liquid slime bearing, and is always properly oriented by the clever muscle slime around. On the dry and plain road it quickly rolls like a ball. On the rough ground it softens and rolls like a soft ball, flowing around the small stones and running around the big ones. In rocks it gets even softer and pumps itself up, flowing around the upper rocks and grappling them. To the vertical plain walls it sticks like the toy slime blob (can't recall its name). In the dense liquids it swims. In the not dense ones it swims, too, after forming temporary water bubbles for bouyancy. Due to its thickness, it allows to land at 20 m/s, so use only a drogue chute. Hypothetically, it also can form legs and walk.
  12. Boston dawgz should guard. There is a special Hyundai concept for that, with better music.
  13. If stick the nookie cookie into a cup of nooka cola, a beautiful chain reaction starts. Look...
  14. We have the boiled water, the fried water, the baked water, and even the dry water. Waiter! Haven't you forgotten a spoon? How should I eat this water?
  15. Ban everyone in the ban thread and be the last man standing.
  16. Banned because a decade is just a minute.
  17. First of all, a clarification is required. Does the grav-inhibitor just neutralizes the gravity or inverts it? For example the antigrav repulsor which is keeping an antigrav taxi in SW or 5thElement. It obviously opposes the gravity, not just lets them float in midair. If instead of the gravneutralizers use gravinvertors, it' probably possible to compress any piece of matter to the fusion conditions just by putting two of them against each other.
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