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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. It's far. Far Cry. And it's banned because.
  2. Why? The impact speed was 3.3 km/s, and the rear portion of the pentagons was thrown back at probably 1+ km/s. So, they could survive. Actually, there were two such balls, 150 mm and 90 mm, on the upper stage and in the craft itself.
  3. Granted. It's a pity, Prox. Cen B is hot, and both you and flag are gaseous now. I wish we had a Minmus.
  4. As you wish. No dogs, a molluscoin, the first known money in history. The cowr(y/ie) (aka Cypraea) shell. In use since the neolithic times. Mined Gathered on the Red Sea shore, used across all Fertile Crescent. ... and even noone's reputation protects the shell money. The main properties of the money are its limited amount (usually provided via its irreproducibility) and agreement of the actors to use it as the exchange equivalent. The cryptocoin limited amount is provided by the algorithm. Every generated unique coin item decreases the probability of the next coin to be generated. Thus, the longer the cryptocoin exists, the less probable is a one coin more per same amount of operations. As the calculation productivity is limited by the hardware progress, it can't grow as fast as the algorithm work getting slower. So, the available total amount of the cryptocoins is limited, and that's what is required to make it limited. The agreement of the actors depends only on their will and trust in this currency protection and limited amount. As the non-official cryptocurrencies occupy just about 1% of total world payments, that's enough. Even if a cryptocurrency gets compromised, that's a problem of limited amount of actors who were using it on their own risk. (And most of them anyway have to risk, due to ambiguous nature of their businesses, lol.) Once the cryptocurrencies have captured tens of percents of the global material equivalent, the actors will be more and more official and guarantee-dependent, so the choice of a cryptocurrency will be more and more depending on the official recommendations, like "The First Global Industrial Bank blesses you all to use the Chickencoin v2.4 blockchain virtual currencies, but warns you not to keep using the Cookiecoin of v 6.4 and older as compromised ones." P.S. As actually the amount of the mined coins is a function of spent energy, it's actually a money gained by the miner for spending the power produced by the powerplant, and thus it's a money for the nature pollution, the greenhouse effect, the global warming, and the additional entropy brought into the world. So, the green activists should be natural opponents of the cryptominers, but they need money, too. So, as usually, the human greed prevails the human maudlin sentimentality, and they keep mining coins, turning a blind eye to those who mine the coal to produce the power to let them mine the coins, let alone those ones, who should suffer from the enormous hurricanes caused by the global warming caused by the carbon dioxide caused by the fuel burnt to give them another virtual coin.
  5. But the subjects of "dislike" should be added by the moderators. As a poll. The space weather: Like ***************************** Not like ***********
  6. The reactor is phew, nobody cares about them. Are the crypto operations legal in your state, that's the first question. When I was prophetically prognosing this just 15 years ago, they were laughing at my words. Nice to feel more cleverer than whole other part of world. You just don't see it underwater. *** What puzzles me, is that same modern people, who propagate both green energy and cryptocurrencies, don't combine them together. Why not mine the coins under a solar panel or a wind turbine? Greencoins.
  7. Schwarzenegger even has run into another car today when reading your post...
  8. Granted. You take a volcano and make it sound Spanish. Granted. Now you have to p2p by Starship even to a shop. Here you go. Granted. You have bought a chess clock with buttons. Now only you decide is it a time or not. Granted. You stop reading and watching anything related to the Mezhdunarodnaya Kosmicheskaya Stantsiya (MKS aka ISS). A part of USI. Granted. His ship falls down. *** I wish I wasn't feeling like Santa granting all others' wishes this morning.
  9. Banned for not giving a rest to his signature, but continuing urging others to see it.
  10. Just one. But always random. Waiter! The fact that this rat has eaten this cheese sandwich from inside, is not a reason to count it as a cheeseburger.
  11. Only beggars hate the in-game microtransactions. The wealthy people just save their expensive time with it.
  12. The Guild comes, and everything gets wrong. The Guild post-hill.
  13. Granted. You start grappling, and the grapics gets ok. I wish for a compact, 3d, board game implementing a self-sufficient dark fantasy world.
  14. Don't they? Also, Kerbals better play checkers, as they are equal, but some equals are more orange than others. What if play chess with cards?
  15. Banzilla gets in and catches the Whateversonic The Hedgehog.
  16. They are a seafood escaping to space. What was earlier: Kraken or Kerbals?
  17. Do you know that this thread has a banilla mode? It's when you ban only for the rules violation.
  18. Firearms traders join them. Peacetol Hill
  19. Ja, ja. Überkinder will become Übermensch and Überwomensch, and what can we even guess about the junior Roblocks?
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