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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Comparing the muscle mass of a mature dog and of a puppy or a kitten, I would strong;y doubt they were ever treated as a backup food. Also there is no much sense in keeping them for days because they need meat themselves to survive these days. Let alone the reputation of a hunter who would eat kittens instead of the serious men's food. Imho, it looks more probably that they were being taken from the lair just because, and brought to the village as expendable toys for the children's sadistic games. So, the more funny and attractively a beastling was looking, the higher were the chances that some elderman's mini-daughter kept the toy for further playing, providing it with food and using the dad's authority to protect the little jerk from the citizens' righteous revenge for stolen meat or liquided boots. That's why the domesticated cats & dogs are neotenic version of their wild prototypes.
  2. Granted. Stephen is a hey, as it follows from the title. I wish Sedna had a moon.
  3. It was a fake cookie, that's why it was not locked from the renaming. The cookie is restored by system.
  4. Of course, because they were most stable parts in history. What was the previous thread I thought it was this one? Just several minutes ago.
  5. Granted. The KSP-2 release date is shifted by five years more. I wish New Horizons had met 'Oumuamua,
  6. Your hill is too plain to be in top-1 of hills. Failed Hill
  7. It's a pity, but Minmus doesn't have ground. Ice camp is founded.
  8. You a wrong. It's not basilic, it's a basilisk, and you lose. Waiter! I want supper instead of dinner. Is your diner a super?
  9. The rollback maintenance procedure restores the previously destroyed hill. Rolled Back Radioactive Hill
  10. The average pressure on Mars corresponds to 35 km on the Earth, where a full-featured spacesuit or a pressurized cabin are necessary.
  11. After Z-Nation series the zombie topic can be closed forever. No new idea can be ever added.
  12. People - maybe. But Kerbals know only these ones. Is French version of google named le goog?
  13. The asteroid gravity is too weak. The mountain flies up and drifts away. Drifting Mountain
  14. Happily, there is no such thing like Kerbol in the games, so Jeb successfully passes by the Sun,
  15. An inflatable mattress used as a sea raft. They took it from the beach cabin. But the most significant similarity is Neptun-25 craft on top. It has legs (like Oryol has) and arms, and can walk.
  16. https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Космическое_пространство?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru (English wiki lacks the table) 20 km =50 mbar https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Климат_Марса?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru The highest Martian pressure is ~10 mBar
  17. At the very left. "Momentum Flap" Flaps! They use flaps in vacuum! To manage the momentum! (Even if this looks more like a fin, but anyway.) And the whole thing looks like a sailboat. Aether exists!
  18. A compliment of the chef, sir. A whole carriage of them. Now you can build a cheese hut, as this is a Minecraft cafe. Waiter! Break. Fast.
  19. A fog cloud moving in the opposite direction and making them burn at 16 km/s speed. Or a nuclear tug with a pump and a water tank on that orbit, spraying the water around to make them hit the droplets.
  20. Banned for pedanting the grammor.
  21. Let's make a summary. 1. A horror book had scared you. 2. You keep it somewhere deep in the shed and didn't want to open it anymore. 3. Unexpectedly there appeared its sequel. 4. You feel an unconscious call to find the elder book where it lives now, open it, and combine both parts... Did I miss something? Don't forget to properly self-equip before reading.
  22. Let's hope, they didn't forget to install Principia. Without it no L2 point exists to let JWST drifting there.
  23. Another video with bare stems, so closer to 50 m/s, but still invisible on shot. So, probably the projectile itself is not visible, but depending on illumination and albedo a short metal flash can be detected by eye.
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