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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Aster has the kinj. The Asterkinj. (Or the Asterkinj has Aster, depends on the side of the mirror one chose.) Correction: Now Talon has the Asterkinj, cuz Aster is frozen. Together with others. *** Back to the thread topic. This was the last Outpost season.
  2. Thou shalt an insanely big rocket just to launch a tiny mun towards the probe.
  3. You've misheard. It's not a mystery meat, it's Miss Termit. (The last "e" of her caption was chewed off by other termites. Waiter! Use Kerbal Alarm Clock instead of waiting.
  4. I just want to see the "working mathematical model" of catastrophic centimeters vs safe decameters and of total power of campfires melting glaciers and raising ocean vs industry causing the centimeters. Just formulas.
  5. Thou shalt pass the astronauts' medical test before playing KSP.
  6. Banned because I was thinking that it's another thread.
  7. A lot of games become a movie these days. The game fans are discussing their cast of dream. When will they make a KSP series? Say, by Uwe Kerboll. Maybe we need a poll about the KSP casting, too? Who should play Jeb, Bill, Bob? Who will play Val? SFX can make them all twice shorter, green-skin, and pop-eyed.
  8. Why not merge them into Half-Portalife 3 and pair Gordon Freeman and Chell?
  9. 66 bottles of beer on the wall. 66 bottles of beer! The liver strikes back! The kidneys support! Leave all 66 bottles of beer on the wall!
  10. I don't mean that they don't show this on the charts. I mean that they don't explain, how can it be that the modern centimeters are a disastrous event caused necessary by humans, while a (by-orders of magnitude) greater climatic changes and ocean level and global temperature changes don't need the human as The Greatest Evil and didn't cause the planet-wide devastation. Maybe, the puny human efforts are overestimated compared to what happens besides? In biological terms, some species had gone (mostly those ones which were requiring just a control headshot), while the human-adopted ones have spreaded around like they never could themselves. Bisons have been replaced by greater amount of cows on the same place. Compare the population of dogs and wolves, sheep/goat and antilopes, etc. Compare the human population to other species. Do you know that many 70-kg heavy species counted in billions, populating every climatic zone, and still increasing both lifespan and population? Maybe you don't like the speaking bipedal monkeys as much as sabretooths or rhinos, but they still are a part of fauna, and are much more perfect than either of them. So, it's anything but extinction. It's a Darwinistic optimisation. It still looks like something comparable to the nowadays changes. And a half-thousand long. The 500-years drought of 5600 BC was half-thousand long. Maybe it makes sense to compare 500-year-long cycles, rather than cut out the 30 years? *** https://www-window2baku-com.translate.goog/Caspian/caspianlevel.htm?_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=nui
  11. "You" and "shall" are not the true, the proper Ye Olde English.
  12. KSP-2 is so much ready, that there is a whole subforum of suggestions for the completed game. Or the suggestions are so much important.
  13. That's not you are up so late, that's all of them are up so early. If the jellyfish is a fish, and a crawfish is a fish, why the whale and the dolphin aren't?
  14. Vice versa, on the opposite side of the planet. Do the meteorologists collect the meteor showers?
  15. Thou shalt remember the 0x10c emulating mod.
  16. Banned for preferring Debian instead of Gentoo.
  17. Both are banned for being charmed by the Rings.
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