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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Banned for getting the Banned back to gather.
  2. 1/10 Tera is not a human, he's 1 of the 7. Tera is frozen among other 7, but the humans aren't. So, I'm a human.
  3. Banned because I have never changed the reuploaded picture since it had been reuploaded once.
  4. Plushy toys are necessary on the Moon, but a portable backup SAS is better.
  5. Banned for not reading previous several pages.
  6. Banned because his tank is without tracks.
  7. Banned for iPhone product placement.
  8. Banned because a hour passed, and still isn't banned.
  9. Before learning 4 000 pages of a scientific discussion, it's always good to first get a brief extract of its result, to see if it's worth it and not a discussion without a practically applicable conclusion.
  10. I had seen the IPCC 6th report webpage mentioned above, but it's like giving a link to an online library full of ads when I'm pretty wanting to read some concrete document like this one: http://robert-ibatullin.narod.ru/utilities/astro_formulas.pdf where I can take numbers from a table, put them into a formula, and get the value to clearly see, how can it be that 1. Tens meters were not so disastrous as several centimeters. 2. Tens meters happened without human efforts, while all human industry can add just centimeters. Maybe it's just a periodical natural process, and we live on the raising hillside of a sine wave. Or a non-periodic natural one, but still invariant to human activities. I believe, the climate models are not more complicated than the astronomical ones. (Just because they are a part of them).
  11. Banned for infusoria on the table.
  12. Exactly, but not a verbal explanation, but a set of formulas where disaster(industry) doesn't look like disaster ~ 1/industry They talk about models. Models are formulas.
  13. Octopus in Boots Underwater Hill
  14. Nobody has seen Jeb after he had seen what we wouldn't believe in.
  15. 0/10 You are a technology. I grok you, earthlings.
  16. The Big Bang reboots the universe. Universe in boots.
  17. A school teacher learns his professional school subject first time while he/she is a pupil, then several years in university, then every year once again in the school where he/she works. Finally he/she knows it. A pupil does it just once. Still cannot understand, who is smarter...
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