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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Banned because this thread is a ban-fed vampire.
  2. Because you are rotating the rope too fast. Why do they call "breakfast" the morning meal? What does it break and why do it fast?
  3. To let every planet have its own music style. Announced in 2019. Planned on 2022.
  4. It prooves that they are actually building a space lift, and the tower is its ground stop. Now they are trying to stack the tether. *** Just in case, after watching the videos in kOS thread... Do they realize that the Kerbin re-entry speed is 2.6 km/s rather than 7.8 km/s, so to say "it works in KSP" they should have the RSS installed?
  5. The thread feels banned. Nobody bans.
  6. This doesn't play a role, as they anyway will never get to there.
  7. Granted, Because even the Universe appeared in Big Bang, instead of repairing the previous one, so who we are to do better? I wish every university had its universe.
  8. Yes. Doctor Who does it. Who needs this world at all, even to rule it?
  9. The stopping is not as interesting as starting. Without preliminary tether tightening the ships connected with the weakened tether would get a strong side shock of 1 g average acceleration and delta-V up to the mentioned 50 m/s before their rotation stabilize. While a human safely withstands 5..10 m/s. So, the winch should be able to smoothly put out several g of acceleration without harming the crew, and that's why it should actually be able to have enough strong motor to pull the ship at the final 1 g before switching it off. Unlike a jumping ropes, they can't hope on the elasticity. And btw the elasticity. The tether has one, too. And it will extend, then retract. And the winch should put out this pull, too. (Let alone the waves running in the tether and whipping the ship.)
  10. Btw the tether needs a drum, the drum needs a motor, and this motor should be able to pull (read: "lift") the half-mass of the ship in the 1 g gravity. So, the splittable tethership should carry a motor-drum-tether from the coastal crane able to lift hundreds-to-thousands tonnes from water.
  11. Unlike the primitive species, a human has a sitting part enough capable to implant a secondary brain and use it as GPU.
  12. Nobody cares about your school marks in the university. Nobody cares about your diploma except the fact of its presence. Everything useful you learn you learn yourself. (May vary from country to country)
  13. It looks like Captain Nemo was right, and they rushed to declare the submarine rams obsolete. Sometimes they miss them.
  14. (Idk where to put it.) Just found a brief review of various ship types with photos and brief descriptions, by mass. https://knowledgeofsea.com/various-vessel-types/
  15. The temperatures should use the absolute scale and be in Kelvins. Otherwise
  16. And drill. There should be frozen hydrocarbon asteroids somewhere in the system.
  17. The Waiter keeps guarding the Hill, awaiting for The Hero, and the soup in the moat is out of unworthy ones. Future Hero Hill.
  18. Aliens 3 initially was planned in a wooden asteroid. And now they should try to accelerate/decelerate and lengthen/shorten the rope absolutely synchronously to avoid a loop or a whip. *** Why lift buildings? Lift a seaship.
  19. Arms suck. Lounge rulez. (or how is this belt called in English)
  20. Farscape should end with their boat disintegration, as it was primarily done; without the additional season, added to calm the momma's kids by sweet happy end.
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