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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. But what did you expect? Tara Reid? Cook! There is a lot of all in the soup. Not that we needed all that for the lunch, but once you get locked into a serious soup collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can?
  2. It's the orbit-like set of possible electron positions around the atom core. The electron is an electron of Schroedinger, it presents in every of them at some probability, so you can't just spot it. The closest way to describe its position change is like it orbits around the core as one charged particle around another one. That's all you can get: https://phys.org/news/2008-02-electron.html
  3. Granted. Now everyone looks at that, wonders. and asks you: "What the (thing) is that?!" I wish for giant mushrooms living in vacuum and eating the lunar regolith.
  4. The problem with the bioships, though, is that they are DNA which is protein which can survive only below hundreds of °C. *** Though, maybe giant tungsten-rich mushrooms? Also a regolith-eating mushroom looks like a proper way to build a lunar base (if compare it to the NASA lunar base competition). *** If the thinking is a quantum process specifically connected to a highly-organized organic matter, maybe a hyperjump biodrive is possible. You tell the ship brain where you want to go, it thinks you are there - and you are there.
  5. We can see it reflected in the milk. Why did they name our galaxy after a chocolate candy?
  6. Terminator: Future Shock was the best of Bethesda games, and Fallout 3 was just an attempt to resurrect it for another setting.
  7. It was 11 au. The 11th escaped. A free 11th AU.
  8. In 1889 the primitive human civilisation has awarded Dmitry Mendeleev for his outstanding achievements with chemical scales made of pure gold and pure aluminium (which costed more than the gold to that date). The golden hulls are cheaper for the primitive civilisations.
  9. As opposing to Alternative Aerospace.
  10. Your paw starts shilling. Your paw shill.
  11. H gets replaced with X. Myxill
  12. Granted. I wish you will find the only well in the 500 km wide desert around you.
  13. And back to the glorious Nauka. (Many letters, much Science.) https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://nplus1.ru/blog/2021/08/10/mlm-fuel
  14. The chair. I'm a chairman of this room. Why do they not have an octopus on board of ISS?
  15. The Pallas cat can see if you are not Pallas, and he is not yours.
  16. The sky is good, but what if they are already here? In addition to the sky guard they should have a city patrol with face recognition system, searching for minor anatomic mismatches. and especially in the night clubs Also the home guard. All smartphones and notebooks should be connected into the Earth Guard Network by a special application.
  17. Launch pad. Mobile version. Launching Starlink Service tower On-ground ASAT. Arleigh Burke with Aegis. Optical communication system. Also PAPI. Mission control room. Boca-Chica. Prototype test #465.
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