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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Granted. A soft and cute pink bunny, happily escaped from the radioactive waste storage full of mutated zombies. I wish K in KFC was meaning Kerbal.
  2. In chess they train low-level pokemons (so-called "pawkemons", or just "pawns") to upgrade into a pokemon of any higher level.
  3. At last something good this hour. Click.
  4. The NASA instruction "Take a drill" appeared to be too ambiguous. The shocked crew asked : "Do you want to run a drilling in Soyuz?" "Yes", said NASA. They meant an evacuation drill on board of Soyuz.... The English language is so joking...
  5. More reason to use a more stable trasport like the planes.
  6. Granted. The potato is not infested. It peacefully infests by itself. I wish for potato and mushroom hybride. (Potatoshrum?)
  7. If the plane flights were delayed and cancelled as often as rocket launches, people would still travel by hot air balloons.
  8. Granted. But there is no air to float. I wish for (lunar ice)-cream.
  9. Unlikely. But you can extract from the shells the electron cores. If neutron → neutrino, then proton → pewtrino?
  10. KSP was never so open before!
  11. The positron is just a nice and positive particle. Is its antiparticle negatron?
  12. Yes, and it will be called a nutrino. Is electron elected?
  13. Even didn't think about them. Just suggesting tested and proven solutions from real world. Also, I believe that it's the most probable way the airless suit will be looking like.
  14. Latex envelope and leather bands in the most loaded places. Belts, of course. To attach equipment. And rings for EVA tethers. A tight collar with life activity sensors. The boots may stay same, they're enough stylish. Hooks (like in Resident Evil, on the butcher with bag on head), to grab the railings and lunar rocks. Also a custom helmet attached to the collar.
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