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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/782221 The cosmonauts will twice perform EVA, on September, 2 and 8. They will be integrating Nauka into ISS externally. The total integration will take a half of year and about 10 EVA seances for cabling and piping (see the KAS mod). Also they will attach the attachment pads for attachable objects (you need 1.12 for that, with the Engineers extended capabilities). Also they will relocate the airlock and the radiator panel from the Rassvet module. On September, 28, they will redock Soyuz MS-18 from Rassvet to Nauka, This will free the Raasvet docking node for Soyuz MS-19 (that one with the filming crew), which is planned on October, 5.
  2. To make one sentence from two they invented commas, but many have narrow displays.
  3. The Princess Leia was wearing that weird hair-do with ear caps because her ears were always cold. Also she believed that they are too large, and it was the only place in SW when she was right.
  4. That's how an orbit works. If dig a well enough deep, can we have a satellite on vertical orbit?
  5. Granted. Now you feel the sights of all creatures hiding around and staring at you. Flies, mosquitoes, roaches, fleas... None of them love you. (Except the ones which suck your blood). Now you feel like a comedian on a scene, when the audience is staring at you and impatiently waiting when you finish and quit, and some of wish to clear your pockets. I wish for a Home Henocidic Chitin Dissipator, to let no arthropod exist in the room.
  6. Banned for making a pause in banning.
  7. Reminds of the old joke story of the Second Gulf War times. Not really a politics (after "Top Gun", lol), but of course, the mods decide. (google-translated and partially manually corrected)
  8. Listing the electric ships, especially submarines, we should not forget the proven classics.
  9. Compared to the amount of gas to be pumped through the scoop, it's probably easier to keep it floating by throwing down part of that gas, previously heated by the onboard reactor (powering the scoop). Then periodically raise the thrust and get into orbit. The reactor should be fuelde by the same gas, so separated the hydrogen isotopes, and use D+3He, as this is a kind of aneutronic fusion. So, probably it will be looking like a floating funnel, sucking the gas from top and levitating on the torch of hot hydrogen from the nozzle below..
  10. Mercury is for the ion drives. Cesium, too. At least, it requires high-end nukes or fusionukes just to reach the orbit. *** Any piece of rock is a propellant, if throw it fast.
  11. It splashed from above. Probably, birds... Psss!... The beer pipe is entangled to the barrel in the restaurant across the road. Waiter! Is it an octopus? It has just seven tentacles.
  12. I said: the drive is hard after the WD-40 spraying on the tyres. It's slick, idk why. Though, maybe it's good if use it as a home reactor coolant.
  13. You have ordered something with umlauts, so, here you go. Awaiter! Why is this fly raw? I ordered a well-done.
  14. When you realize that Nauka hasn't pressed 'T'.
  15. Gramted, but you should start brooming the street earlier, to clean also the public yard. I wish the swifts returned back and ate all flying insects.
  16. Yes, it's a swallow nest soup. A swallow hides there, so just swallow. Waiter! Some potatonic mash!
  17. Granted. You do this from the surface of an Earth-like planet. It's Earth. I wish all mosquitoes were self-destroyed. Preferrably with screams of horror.
  18. But looking decent is prohibited for the SW superheroines even with CGI.
  19. It's none. The Moon is a hollow hemisphere. Why do the cats sleep on hot heating pipes but hide from the sun in the midday?
  20. Granted. People don't know about it. I wish for 1.12.2
  21. Does somebody remember? https://autos.yahoo.com/news/surprise-tesla-model-007-submarine-mode-183007520.html
  22. Also Natasha Romanoff could not play in StarWars. Too beautiful, not an option.
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