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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. From scratch with blind eyes. While KSP-2 already had a working and mostly debugged prototype with almost 10 year long player experience, and their bug tracker.
  2. Looks hyperbolic. Let's do a minute of silence. Literally. No new posts for a whole minute. We can. But they won't.
  3. It's very easy to distinguish the real-life NPC from the characters important for the plot.
  4. Skrafill (formerly Scraphill)
  5. Floor 4847: A caption on the paper tiger: "The next floor number is very magic, don't miss it."
  6. Calling Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers instead of 911.
  7. Granted. But the sorts of the fun are so medieval, that their wiki pages unlikely should be listed here. I wish for a poleaxe.
  8. Lois Bujold's Barrayar cycle. I'm really shocked that Netflix still ignores it. Besides the fact that it's a very good star wars sci-fi itself, it's full of the modern agenda. Why do these fools ignore it?
  9. A baninja bans with banunchaku.
  10. In my country Civil Protection is a shelter/evacuation/etc. service, so they can't do that.
  11. Both together are granted. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naglfar I wish for more Heilung and Eihwar.
  12. The lobsters in the kitchen fishtank of Titanic. Was the Titanic collision and sinking Titanomachy?
  13. Because they treat their employees like NPC. Not essential Personnel Character
  14. ... before realising that the document you were reading is about Cyclon.
  15. Every "-nin" is banned by Ninlil. And by Nin Jaban. Idk, who is it, but he/she/it bans.
  16. KSP2 was to be the New KSP, KSP on steroids. It has the same community, same very specific gameplay and idea, almost same graphics. Most of gamers are same. It was not another game, it was a coming replacement of the existing one. And they had entire KSP-1 source code and assets to, first of all, make a KSP 1/2: Clean Code Edition, having at least same functionality as the KSP-1 already had, then infinitely develop it up. But KSP-1 had a fatal disadvantage, known as "Was made not by us."
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