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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Both together are granted. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naglfar I wish for more Heilung and Eihwar.
  2. The lobsters in the kitchen fishtank of Titanic. Was the Titanic collision and sinking Titanomachy?
  3. Because they treat their employees like NPC. Not essential Personnel Character
  4. ... before realising that the document you were reading is about Cyclon.
  5. Every "-nin" is banned by Ninlil. And by Nin Jaban. Idk, who is it, but he/she/it bans.
  6. KSP2 was to be the New KSP, KSP on steroids. It has the same community, same very specific gameplay and idea, almost same graphics. Most of gamers are same. It was not another game, it was a coming replacement of the existing one. And they had entire KSP-1 source code and assets to, first of all, make a KSP 1/2: Clean Code Edition, having at least same functionality as the KSP-1 already had, then infinitely develop it up. But KSP-1 had a fatal disadvantage, known as "Was made not by us."
  7. The features already existing in KSP-1 are not planned, they are "removed until asap".
  8. Maybe some IG employees are looking for job or are already mentioned in other company staff in their social network stories?
  9. Kerbals already have performed by orders of magnitude more successful launches than any human space agency had, founded colonies on other planets (and not once), developed a whole space industry, and even reached other stars. Will any space agency look pale against Kerbal background? They are natural competitors.
  10. A divergent double kickban from the doors.
  11. I'm about the current events to the North from the Black Sea. Based on what we know about them, both parties use tens thousands of (expendable and reusable) air drones and train tens thousands of their operators, together with tanks and shovels. Also the sea drones are widely used, and the ground drones have been tested. So, it's almost a whole army of bots flying, swimming, and sometimes crawling around, and they are quickly evolving. Just now they are controlled by humans.
  12. The leprechauns are natural gold spawners. And the kid is his kid (probably).
  13. On a serious note, as the Why Not Fear AI is locked, but related. The Teslabot and Fyodor can use human firearms and be soldiers. But this doesn't frighten. What's really scary, is that the current events demonstrate that swarms of cheap drones almost have occupied the battlefield, and the beautiful night shows where swarms of networked drones with lamps show various dynamic figures in air could be managed by AI. All of this gives to the coming AI a ready-to-use army of billions of combat drones under its command, to fight against humans. And Starlink to manage it.
  14. Granted. You realize that the space is flat and squared, and you are falling from it. I wish to look like this in the days when I'm handworking in the workshop. And feel like this when I'm coding. But staying unshot.
  15. This in turn raises a question. This is the only job for the meatbags in the shining new roboworld, thus the robots don't need to be trained for that.
  16. Somebody had already ninja'd me on Reddit. But what about her box with husband's things. A pair of very small boots, and something like "He was fond of caring of this, could talk about them for hours" (at least in translation). Was her husband a leprechaun?
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