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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. You have a lot of strange errors in thelog. I need to to start the game and just go to the station and try to do the return mission, then exit and send the file Edit: YOU STILL HAVE MINIAVC INSTALLED. You must either remove all the MiniAVC.dll files by hand or install ZeroMiniAVC!!!
  2. Beta release, 0.0.2 Changed output to write commented data for all parts to the cfg file. New parts now don't require a restart of the game Added new part module to upate the packedVolume Removed popup requiring restart after new parts added Added packedVolume to PAW for parts which have been modified https://www.dropbox.com/s/twzy56g51m2m1tc/KSP_PartVolume-0.0.2.zip?dl=0 This is now changing the settings and modules on the fly, it also adds a new part module to help with this. Please test and let me know if it's all working properly.
  3. Would help to know what you are doing. A log file would be helpful
  4. I thought I had fixed that, it was supposed to do that. I'll get that added soon
  5. So Jeb decided to get the entire rocket detailed before launch? Love the clouds, can’t wait.
  6. Nope. Sorry, but that would ls be a lot of work to do correctly
  7. It should work, tell CKAN to allow 1.8 compatibility and report back, please
  8. New release, Fixed the saving/loading of the DoTanks option Yes. That's what you have to do, which is why I have those dialog boxes since it really isn't intuitive. But adding it to the AvailableParts at runtime to avoid the second restart was problematic, to say the least
  9. That will disable this mod. This mod will NOT do anything to any part that has a ModuleCargoPart, if there is one, nothing is generated. I'll check that Yes, that's the way it works. First run after any change it generates the patch file, needs to be restarted for the patch to take effect
  10. It doesn't. It uses whatever drag cubes are present when the part is instantiated. It really depends on how the game internally handles it. I don't have time to test, but I would be interested in hearing if you find any issues with this
  11. I confirmed a problem last night, but not sure what's going on yet
  12. Yes, always a good idea. Although to be honest, in this case would have saved me only about 5 minutes, since you had correctly identified the problem.
  13. New release, Fixed issue where a partname with a space was causing a ModuleManager error. Replaced spaces in partnames with questionmarks per the MM manual Delete the file partVolumes.cfg in the GameData directory before rerunning again
  14. Would have saved me time, I do need to see the error. Also the MM cache. But I've already gotten them. Should be an easy fix, I'll just replace the spaces with periods or questionmarks, I'll verify which (that's a wildcard for mm, I believe)
  15. I'm amazed you had it working as well as you did. This mod NEEDS to have the engines both throttleable and to be able to shut them off. It's the way it works. SRBs are neither. You may want to try the MechJeb Ascent Guidance module
  16. I disagree. If it was a box, then yes. But panels are not boxes, and really won't change depending on if they are assembled or not
  17. Ummm, like what? In my mind, filler is packing material and whatever space is needed to keep things safe.
  18. Strange, I have never seen this. I have a system close to th ou s in specs, I'll try it out later when I get home
  19. Are you running OpenGL? What king of system are you running?
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