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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I've made a development build, you can download it here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/PersistentRotation/releases Changes Merged in localization chagnes from github user @6DBYZBX, includes both english and chinese Replaced toolbar code with the Toolbarcontroller Added ClickThroughBlocker Removed buttons referencing specific button (toolbar or stock) Added button referencing generic toolbar Added new .version file (Upgraded) Added LGG local build files Dependencies SpaceTuxLibrary Click Through Blocker ToolbarController
  2. In some of my installs, I get these messages in the log every so often: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Camera/Camera.cpp Line: 3479) Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 256.000000, 256.000000, 1000.000000) (Camera rect 0 0 256 256) It's not hurting the game, and is quite possibly a result of the dev install I am working in. But it's frustrating to not know what's causing it. Anyone have a clue? Also, if you think it should be reported as a bug, I'd be happy to, I just don't want to report something as a bug until I get some confirmation
  3. I just looked at all the tanks (I use Janitor's Closet to filter out all other mods). There are 12 tanks, and they all contain liquid fuel. So if you aren't seeing fuel in the tanks (meaning no capability), then you may not have the latest Firespitter installed (that's what configures the fuel). If you look in the files for the tanks, you will see something like this: MODULE { name = FSfuelSwitch resourceNames = Structural; LiquidFuel; LiquidFuel,Oxidizer; MonoPropellant resourceAmounts = 0; 180; 162,198; 180 basePartMass = 0.22 tankMass = 0; 0.1; 0.1; 0.1 tankCost = 0; 100; 100; 100 hasGUI = false availableInFlight = true availableInEditor = true } This says that the tank can be one of the following: Structural (no fuel), Liquid fuel only, both liquid and oxidizer, or monopropellant. I'm going to make a guess and ask if you installed this by hand? If so, then you obviously missed the dependency listed on the OP: Dependency FirespitterCore If you installed it using CKAN, FirespitterCore would have been installed for you automatically One day I may convert this to using B9PartSwitcher, but for now, if it ain't broke, I'm not going to fix it.
  4. Note: There is one typo in one of the skin config files which ends up with the texture being shown as a red questionmark on a white background. I have it fixed locally, but won't do a beta just for that. If you want to fix it locally, edit the file: 5thHorseman-navball_blackgrey_DIF.cfg and change line 19 to: file = PluginData/Skins/evileye.x_DIF.png In the next release, this file is also being renamed to more properly reflect what's in it (it contains a number of configs)
  5. I'll take a look, but when I adopted this, I merely updated it. If this is an old issue, then it may be by design.
  6. Can you elaborate? Been a while since I looked at these. Is there no fuel in the tanks?
  7. Ok, I've figured out my last problem (I think). Please try this out: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/NavBallTextureChanger/releases/tag/ I still need to do a README, but this should work for any 1.8 and newer systems. Note, it has dependencies: New dependencies ClickThroughBlocker ToolbarController SpaceTuxLibrary (latest version, released a day or so ago) Let me know of any issues Edit - Beta 2 Added advanced section Added README https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/NavBallTextureChanger/releases/tag/
  8. This would be in the category of FeatureCreeparitious. Sorry, it's work which is rarely needed, not going to happen for now
  9. If you'd like me to add that OPT support into the mod, send me the files
  10. Sounds like you didn't install it correctly. Where did you get it from, and how did you install it?
  11. I wan't even thinking about RPM support. If you want to be able to select, just disable the RPM navball texture and use this
  12. I don't understand Actually, there won't be an emissive. I don't know what will happen when it sets a null emissive, but hopefully it will just disable it
  13. New release, Updated BaseScan contract with new part from SCANSat
  14. I'll probably put some sort of indicator in the window list indicating whether there is an emissive or not
  15. I'm writing the config file using your list of emissives
  16. I'm not planning on having the emissive be selectable. So yes
  17. You dont need to change your license. Just mention in the READNE that the file is under a different license
  18. Regarding emissives, they will be specified in an config file
  19. New release, Fixed button being removed in the editor when disabled in other scenes
  20. I was actually thinking along those lines, but not too deeply, rather busy with IRL and other mods
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