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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I released a small update, both to fix a CKAN issue and add this. is now available both on Spacedock and via CKAN
  2. There is also an option to add a second toolbar button for the Science Here and Now helper Check the altitude of the Woomerang site. I'll guess that it's zero,
  3. Release, Added skin from forum user @OrdinaryKerman Available via CKAN soon
  4. I found the problem. There was some new error-checking code added which was checking for the correct number of parameters if the output was a maneuver node. Problem happens when no outputs are defined, the docs say and the error (actually two different places) was happening when no outputs were defined @wmvanvliet I submitted a PR for this
  5. Starting to get into the realm of a full autopilot. This is possible, but having macros like that is starting to get it more complicated AND more of a system impact Same with this. The idea behind the mod is that you get your vessel where you want to go, and then tell it to run a series of maneuvers (actions). Having something running which is watching for a condition both needs more CPU and takes this out of the realm of a simple (ha) maneuver mod A bit more explanation: There is a mod called Kerbulator, a full cli-based calculator which is (unfortunately) broken in the latest version. The previous version works, I'm working my way through the various commits trying to find where it's broken. Assuming I can, I'm intending to either incorporate it as part of this mod, or to use it external. This mod will provide a full method for doing calculations, and I'll probably provide some standard calcs as part of it. The mod does not appear to have any sort of an API at this time This will hopefully solve the issue of doing calculations, and will make the whole thing go much faster
  6. The fairings & landing legs are good, I'll add them. I'll also add Action Groups to the list. Personally, I would not use the action groups, would rather this be mostly self-contained, but I can see their usefulness
  7. Current version doesn't seem to work. No list of functions as shown in the OP. Then, Trying the initial, setting x=1, get the following error: Also, hitting the Save does not even bring up the list of functions Looking at the code, it's very odd. I see a Main(), which doesn't belong in a framework library. and other stuff, still digging. The previous version does seem to work
  8. I'm actually thinking about doing that. Adding a "Execute next maneuver node" action
  9. @wmvanvlietHope you are doing well. Is there any sort of API which other mods can use to interface with this?
  10. No branching. An "if" is a branch The principle here is KISS I just came across a mod called Kerbulator, which is a calculator for KSP. Looks quite interesting, I might be able to incorporate it into this mod, or at least work with it if it's installed
  11. Not sure. If it can be done as an If/then type of condition, then maybe, but to have constant adjustments is not where I'm looking to aim this. May be cool, but not going to happen. As I said, no looping, and I should also add "no branching". If I do this, it's just going to be a sequence of steps to be performed. UI will be fairly basic
  12. Well, this is what I'm looking for, input. Good idea. But it's not going to "plot" a maneuver, this will execute the maneuver. I'll add the circularize mode to the list Not needed as a separate maneuver. Just use the option to burn until the PE equals/exceeds the AP, I'll add the PE vs AP to the list of conditions
  13. I'm writing an Auto-Maneuver mod. Not an autopilot, there are a number of those around. AutoManeuver will simply execute a series of pre-planned steps. No looping, no branching, no language to learn. And the UI will be simple Accessible in Flight only, Flight Mapview is considered Flight The maneuvers consist of a sequence of steps. Each step can have a starting condition, an action, a timer (length of action), and an ending condition Below is a list of what I've come up with so far which will be needed to be implemented: Maneuver Starting and ending conditions Vertical speed greater/less than specified speed Horizontal speed greater/less than specified speed Vessel reaches the specified orbital element AP/PE reaches specified value PE passes AP (AP when maneuver starts) AP drops below PE (PE when maneuver starts) Resource (specified) level drops below/increases above specified level Vessel loses or gains Commnet connectivity Vessel reaches the specified height (ie: rising or falling) After the specified amount of time has elapsed Touchdown The possible Actions which can be done (incomplete): Set SAS to mode: Surface, Orbit, target Point prograde/retrograde/Normal/Antinormal/Radial-In/Radial-Out Point horizontal relative to surface, engine pointing retro/pro grade the horizontal velocity Calculate angle to point (??? based on ???) Calculate burn time (??? based on ???) Calculate Suicide Burn altitude, based on specified thrust percentage Start engine (all available, or specified) Stop engine (all available, or specified) Turn on RCS Turn off RCS Set throttle to % Set throttle to get specified TWR Deploy parachutes (all or specified) Execute next maneuver node Jettison Fairings Deploy/retract landing legs Trigger action (from action groups) Wait specified amount of time Stage Call Kerbulator to perform calculation Looking for ideas for any other conditions and actions. Also, the action to Calculate angle is a tough one, but will probably be handled by including the mod Kerbulator For landing, I'm thinking of incorporating the functionality of the Horizontal Landing Aid to be able to reduce/stop horizontal movement using RCS. Comments, suggestions are welcome LGG
  14. New beta, Emissive updates from forum user @therealcrow999 https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/NavBallTextureChanger/releases/tag/
  15. Then should work, because that's what it did. So why did @aleks01s claim it wasn't working? I'll delete the beta from Github
  16. My version already had that removed, and someone said it wasn't working with Principia. since I don't use Principia, I need others to test it
  17. I actually have those already, I pulled the 0.4.4 from CurseForge, and decompiled the code to be sure I had what was changed. Also, I looked at the PR you mentioned. It actually removed the RigidBody and that WAS incorporated in my version. I had that there already, the new version put RigidBody back, I guess I'll have to remove it. This: Ok, so was using the part.AddForceAtPosition uses part.RigidBody.AddForceAtPosition. Both work for stock, please test and tell me which works for Principia
  18. No argument here, but it _is_ called Kerbal Space Program
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