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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. You dont need to change your license. Just mention in the READNE that the file is under a different license
  2. Regarding emissives, they will be specified in an config file
  3. New release, Fixed button being removed in the editor when disabled in other scenes
  4. I was actually thinking along those lines, but not too deeply, rather busy with IRL and other mods
  5. Will go away, this was a quick effort to come up with something workable. There will be a "Test" button to be able to take the selected skin and temporarily apply it to the navball
  6. @taniwha I've been trying to load a craft file into Blender using your plugin. For tests, I used KerbalX from KSP 1.10.1. It loads, but is then totally uneditable. The parachute is there, but it's just one big mass. I'm trying to see if I can get an STL file from Blender to run through a 3d printer. Any ideas?
  7. Here is what I have come up with for a UI. It is VERY preliminary, so any comments should be about functionality and other possible ways to do it. Short descr: click the button in the left scroll list to show an enlarged version of the texture in the right. Click Apply (not yet functional) to apply it:
  8. Since you aren't really around any more, I'd be happy to adopt this. I'd also be adding a GUI to select a texture at run-time, and would include all of @Stone Blue's textures. Would bring it up to the modern age. Let me know Is the current download up-to-date, or do you have an updated one. Would be helpful when I write a UI for this I've gone through the entire thread. There are a few images which the author of the image had a suggested config for it. I've collected them, will merge with @Stone Blue's file as well as the information from @therealcrow999. It's nice to see everyone contributing. I'll do my best with the UI, shouldn't be difficult, but I do have to normalize the names.
  9. Yup. And I just looked at it, needs work to recompile for 1.11. I'm also going to look at a possible UI to change the texture on the fly, not sure how difficult that will be
  10. Would be useful to see a log file. But yes, there are others: Maneuver Node Evolved, by @DMagic Precise Maneuver by @Morse Mechjeb has one, as well as the stock game now
  11. Sounds very simple, but it's not. I suppose a simplified landing computer could be developed, which would just contain macros, but feel that would probably start to duplicate KoS
  12. New release, Fixed stock toolbar button coming back after being disabled Removed need to restart after changing toolbar button option Updated description and added tooltip to toolbar button option
  13. Definitely a shader issue. Go ahead and raise the issue, I'll see if I can get to it in a few days
  14. You should recompile it at least every time the .Net version changes. Would provide a bit of comfort for people knowing the DLLs are compiled for the same version. .Net version changed with the 1.8 release
  15. Have you installed all the dependencies? I'd need a log file for any other help
  16. I'm pretty sure it's intended, otherwise wou wouldn't be able to have multiple windows with multiple docking ports active
  17. Actually, I am the current maintainer of MiniAVC, there is a v2 version which does work properly, only used in a few mods right now. Problem was that it's included in so many mods and files. It's impossible to fix/replace all mods/files, so I just declared it broken and am supporting (I didn't write it) the ZeroMiniAVC mod to make sure it gets removed. is game-breaking. If you want that functionality, I suggest that first you install ZeroMiniAVC, and then install the full AVC mod, which works fine in the current releases
  18. Ok, so sequence of events is: Uncheck the setting Restart the game Works as intended Shut down game Start Game Showing again Is this an accurate summation?
  19. Alcohol doesn't agree with me, gives me migraine headaches
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