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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. You probably have files left over in the steam dir. Open the game directory, delete ALL files and have Steam reinstall it.
  2. Yup, it’s a great price, if it will be played. otherwise a waste of money
  3. That's probably going to happen with any of my mods that uses the ClickThroughBlocker
  4. I dont even know where to begin As the pusher plate moves in one direction, the rest of the vessel moves in the opposite direction The springs connected to the plate are also connected to the vessel, so as the plate gets plled towards the vessel, the vessel is pulled towards the plate. The impact will result in nothing except possible RUD. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, resulting in zero effect
  5. Sounds like a stock bug. Simplest way to test is to go back to the space center and then back to the ship
  6. Ignoring Principia, I'm sure that various occulation events would be solvable by someone willing to do the math. It would be pretty neat if you could actually watch it happen. Barring that, however, it will be randomized. I'm also going to write an Occulation Science Event Window, in which you will be able to see which telescopes have occulation events scheduled. Possibly an interface to KAC as well, will have to see what happens.
  7. I found a comment that there was a bug that was not found: //There's a bug in here somewhere that only exists on Widnows platforms; //Mac users will never see the bug. It's a null arguement exception that's //being thrown somewhere that prevents the object from instantiating correctly. Looks like all the old code was there, but just wasn't being used. I'm working on it, will hopefully have something to so in a day or so. This will be an extremely experimental feature, will need help in testing it.
  8. Never finished Yup. Was never released. I looked at all the releases. I suppose it's possible, but I don't have the math to do that. Unless some math genius pops up, will have to settle for random I wrote that before doing some more digging. But I was wondering if this should only be one, or if there should be several of the same body (ie: to help determine orbits, analysis, etc) If the experiment consists of multiple observations, then that would decrease the total science given.
  9. Your welcome Thank you What's not compatible? or are you just referring to the message saying that it may not be compatible? The .version file only lists a minimum number, what are you seeing?
  10. As an FYI, the Occultation Camera Processor is incomplete. I may do some work on it, but will need some in put regarding it's functionality. The description is: "This processor will continually compute random dates to observe a specific target. Observing the target at the specified date will allow for large science gains. It is very important to upkeep maintenance on your telescope for this processor." So my first thoughts are that the following will need to be determined: How long the target will be observed? How many times will an observation be made of the target? Alternatively, how long between observations of the target What happens if the telescope dies (ie: loses power or other event) during the observations? How much science can be returned by this? Will the science depend on the number of observations or total length of time? Comments are welcome, along with any other ideas.
  11. New beta release, Added KSPAssemblyDependency lines to AssemblyInfo for needed libraries Fixed some of the PartWrapper rename whcih was missed Please be sure to install ALL the dependencies, as listed in the OP (updated)
  12. "Refused" is such a harsh word. I prefer the word "declined". I don't do weapons mods.
  13. Something is wrong with the install. Make a new install with just GT and its dependencies and try the same craft files in that
  14. You are missing the SpaceTuxLibrary: https://spacedock.info/mod/2210/SpaceTux Library
  15. Try this, please: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mtawus63yzxfrbh/CactEyeTelescopes-1.8.0- Also, the Occlusion code was never written, so I'll be removing that from the OP later @Horus
  16. Possible, I'll look. But for now, please zip up the entire Logs directory in the main KSP dir, it has some special logs which will help According to this log, you had removed the SpaceDustWrapper dll, which would cause other issues. I'm going to build a beta in a few mintues for you to try
  17. Looking into the spacedust dll errors. Two problems that I see, one is the name is wrong, but that wouldn't have caused the error. The second is that it is looking for the SpaceDust dll, which you don't have, but it's not supposed to do that. But I can't get that to fail for me, I'll need to do some more digging
  18. You may get it to load, but it needs CTB. I'll add that has a hard dependency OP now updated with the dependencies Edit: also needs the Toolbarcontroller (for now)
  19. I tried all 5 craft, you can see the results in this video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0rbhxtfy7hv41qg/2020-11-27 13-07-27.mp4?dl=0 Short answer is that they all worked. I'd suggest try making a new install and see what happens. Another think you can try is to remove the entire GravityTurn directory and then reinstall it, That will delete any of the cache files which GT uses to do a better job over time. It's possible something in those files are messed up
  20. New release, Fixed error where launching from a planet with an atmosphere would set the initial destination height to be 1000x as high as it should have been. Only occurred with new vessels
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