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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. "Refused" is such a harsh word. I prefer the word "declined". I don't do weapons mods.
  2. Something is wrong with the install. Make a new install with just GT and its dependencies and try the same craft files in that
  3. You are missing the SpaceTuxLibrary: https://spacedock.info/mod/2210/SpaceTux Library
  4. Try this, please: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mtawus63yzxfrbh/CactEyeTelescopes-1.8.0- Also, the Occlusion code was never written, so I'll be removing that from the OP later @Horus
  5. Possible, I'll look. But for now, please zip up the entire Logs directory in the main KSP dir, it has some special logs which will help According to this log, you had removed the SpaceDustWrapper dll, which would cause other issues. I'm going to build a beta in a few mintues for you to try
  6. Looking into the spacedust dll errors. Two problems that I see, one is the name is wrong, but that wouldn't have caused the error. The second is that it is looking for the SpaceDust dll, which you don't have, but it's not supposed to do that. But I can't get that to fail for me, I'll need to do some more digging
  7. You may get it to load, but it needs CTB. I'll add that has a hard dependency OP now updated with the dependencies Edit: also needs the Toolbarcontroller (for now)
  8. I tried all 5 craft, you can see the results in this video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0rbhxtfy7hv41qg/2020-11-27 13-07-27.mp4?dl=0 Short answer is that they all worked. I'd suggest try making a new install and see what happens. Another think you can try is to remove the entire GravityTurn directory and then reinstall it, That will delete any of the cache files which GT uses to do a better job over time. It's possible something in those files are messed up
  9. New release, Fixed error where launching from a planet with an atmosphere would set the initial destination height to be 1000x as high as it should have been. Only occurred with new vessels
  10. First, thanks for the video. Second, I suspect your engine problem is due to the 80000 km. Try changing it back to 80 and see what happens Third, please get me a copy of the craft file for that vessel, so I can test. I'll look into the 80000 km, but would like the craft file to test. It's odd, because the only thing changed in this release was a fix for vessel name with quotes in it Actually, a fix for an engine plate staging issue was also included, that's probably where the issue is
  11. Ignore it. ModuleManager is reporting false positives. As a test, I downloaded the latest beta from github and installed it. didn't have any errors starting up. And even if you see errors like what you posted, if it is from ModuleManager, you can ignore it
  12. [1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x] Cacteye 2 Refocused I’ll look for that processor. Could be it was removed, but there is occulsion code in the mod
  13. @CobaltWolf 2 years ago you were working on the Hubble replacement for CactEye, any change on finishing it and having it available for the updated mod?
  14. Any chance on finishing it? I've adopted the mod, and would like to update the two telescopes, if possible
  15. You probably didn't install the dependencies, listed in the OP. If that doesn't help, provide a log file for analysis
  16. There was a build issue. It's been fixed, download here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/CactEye-2/releases/tag/
  17. New release, Add right-click to disable/enable any active controllers Inverted the button colors when disabled Reduced size of main window
  18. Possibly because he didn't see your post. It helps to mention the person you are talking to, especially is it's a low volume thread. @OhioBob see the previous few posts for the question
  19. Yup. Not sure where I got it, there would have been a number of places to look. The attachnodes are broken on them, I'm fixing them I'll probably deprecate the original models, they are rather bland. I'll keep them around for compatibiility, just won't be selectable in the editor
  20. I’ve asked another modder if he can update the model/textures. Would be nice to get the parts updated
  21. Just an update: I will most likely be getting out a beta in the next few days. this beta will include the current mod with (hopefully) @firda's fix along with the following addition: The old addon FuelScience which will include the following new/old parts: Experiment: Prograde Kuarqs Experiment: Plant Growth Experiment: Plant Growth Experiment: Advanced Fuels Experiment: Rocket Fuels Experiment: Kuarq bio-activity Experiment: Creature Comforts Experiment: Eccentric Kuarqs Experiment: Retrograde Kuarqs I haven't yet merged these, so there may already be a few duplicates. All of these, however, will be using the ModuleCostlyExperiment, which comes from another old mod Costly Science
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