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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New Dependencies ClickThroughBlocker ToolbarController SpaceTuxLibrary
  2. Thank you. Just for curiosity, why is TS a required dependency? Asking because I don't like or use TS most of the time, would rather not have it in my game to avoid temptation
  3. Would you like some help in building/releasing an updated version, both for current and future versions? I could easily add this to my build process/jenkins server
  4. Finally, the first beta: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/L-Tech/releases License: MIT Version 0.5.1 Beta 1 Replaced obsolete RequestResource with updated version Replaced the obsolete CaptureScreenshot with the updated version Reordered the directories & solution file Replaced all toolbar code with using the ToolbarController Removed all references to blizzy Added support for ClickThroughBlocker Moved buttons into PluginData/Buttons Moved Settings.cfg into PluginData Replaced internal logging code with KSP_Log Fixed model reference for the LT_ExtCam1 (old model was deprecated) On the Skylab part, replaced crewCabinInternals with the MobileProcessingLabInt, with all 6 seats unlocked on the Skylab part, made the "Open experiment GUI" be able to close the GUI as well, text is updated Fixed issue of multiple science experiments being overwritten in Skylab: Redid the WindowSkylab into a MonoBehaviour Now adds WindowSkylab as a Component when open, and destroys it when done Added stock settings page Added option for alternate skin New Dependencies ClickThroughBlocker ToolbarController SpaceTuxLibrary Added LTECH stanza to Skylab experiments,contains all experiment info including UI strings Added code to read LTECH stanzas In WindowSkylab, DisplayExperiments(), replaced individual hard-coded sections for each experiment with loop using data read from the Skylab Experiments Removed Snacks entirely Removed Insight completely Replaced hard-coded window IDs with generated from WindowHelper Thanks to the following modders for remaking all the parts: Forum user @CobaltWolf for the following parts: Kerb-1 film-based camera I-C External camera no film Radiation Sensor, about the size of a lunchbox Radio-Spyatron when opened, about 1-2m in diameter Radio receiver Forum user @SuicidalInstanity for these: L-Tech Skylab Science container S-125 Sample Return Bin Forum user @Angel-125 for the following parts: The Clipboard tanks, radial & 2.5m The Model rockets tanks, radial & 2.5m The Seed tanks, radial & 2.5m Known bug/issue If not using HullcamVDS, switching to one of the camera views and then closing the PAW makes it impossible to get back to normal flight view. Work-around is to change to a different scene and then back.
  5. New release, 1.6.3 Added configurable settings for three values Added stock setting page for the three values Added window to allow adjustment during flight Added toolbar buttons to control window Added dependencies ToolbarController ClickThroughBlocker
  6. If you installed ZeroMiniAVC, those MiniAVC errors are impossible. So if you are still getting those errors, you didnt install ZaroMiniAVC properly
  7. It needs to be mentioned. I was unaware of the dependency and only found that post by accident.
  8. Just found this, could you update the OP to mention this? I was going crazy for a while until I found this post. Thanks
  9. If I were to write this (I'm not), I'd make a large fuel tank which can be transported and placed down, it would then slowly expand over time to full size. It would hold a finite amount of fuel. Anything within a certain distance could be refueled, after which the tank will either fill by itself (if at a facility) or could be refueled by an ISRU and Ore.
  10. Make sure that you don’t have any MiniAVC files. Easy way to be sure is to install ZeroMiniAVC mod which deletes them
  11. World be best to store in the save directory so that the save can be fully backed up by copying the folder You run the risk of your save files being out of sync with the persistent.sfs file by doing it that way
  12. That doesn’t sound good. Why not just load in the profiles for the vessels in the save. Better yet, you could save the vessels either to the Persistent.sfs file or to a file in the save directory Here you go: KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "saves/" + HighLogic.SaveFolder + "/"
  13. Where do you get the 90% number from? Based on downloads, i think it is a lot less
  14. Bob hit the button to activate the Mystery Goo experiment. Nothing happened. He hit it again. Still nothing. He tried the Atmospheric Fluid Spectro-Variometer, it too was unresponsive. One experiment after another; the Accelerometer, the Gravioli Detector, the Surface Scanning module, even the Narrow-Band Scanner (which had never failed before); they all were nothing more than lumps of expensive metal. At least the thermometer was working, it showed a nice temperature of 20C. "What could it be?" he wondered. Everything had been going so well. The rover was on its final test run before full deployment. It was loaded with experiments, and all of a sudden, nothing was working. He sighed, and tried to start up the rover to head back to base. Nothing! The rover was all out of power, the batteries were exhausted by the climb up the mountain at night. It came to him in a flash! The rover was out of power! None of the experiments which needed power were working either! All these experiments needed power to operate, and the batteries were dead. Bob muttered a few words under his breath about mission directors who always sit behind their desk, never venturing out into the field. He set the brakes, got out and went to sleep on a soft patch of dirt. He was woken up by Kerbol shining right into his eyes, he had forgotten his eye shades. He got up, muttering, climbed back into the rover and checked the batteries. The solar panels were doing their job, slowly feeding the batteries with power. He tried the experiments again, and was gratified to see that they all were working. His radio crackled, and Werner's voice came over, demanding to know where he was. He grinned, turned off the radio, and started driving back to base. It was a long drive, he knew he would feel better by the end, and it would annoy Werner. ============================= This is a small mod which merely adds power draw to various stock parts which seem to operate by magic. The amounts I've set up seem to be reasonable, I am open to input regarding them. Also, I'd be willing to add sections for other mods. The parts which are adjusted and the amounts are: Group ResourceAmtNeededToStart ResourceAmtNeededToEnd Aero Inflatable Heat Shield 5 5 ResourceAmtUsedForDeploy MinimumResAmt PowerConsumption Resources 5 5 0 ISRU MiniDrill 5 5 0 OrbitalScanner 5 5 3 RadialDrill 5 5 0 SurveyScanner 5 5 1.5 Science ResourceAmtNeededToStart ResourceAmtNeededToEnd GooExperiment 5 5 science_module 15 5 ResourceAmtUsedForDeploy sensorAtmosphere 5 InfraredTelescope 5 Utility ResourceAmtNeededToStart ResourceAmtNeededToEnd dockingPortLateral 5 5 dockingPort1 5 5 GrapplingDevice 5 5 mk2CarboBayL 7.5 7.5 mk2CargoBayS 5 5 mk2DockingPort 5 5 mk3CargoBayL 7.5 7.5 mk3CargoBayM 5 5 mk3CargoRamp 5 5 mk3CargoBayS 4 4 ServiceBay_125 2.5 2.5 ServiceBay_250 5 5 ServiceBay_125_v2 2.5 2.5 ServiceBay_250_v2 5 5 Dependency ModuleAnimGenericResourceUsage (beta) Availability Download & source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/RealisticPowerDraw/releases License: GPLv3
  15. This is a collection of three modules which are used to add resource usage to parts which otherwise don't need any. They were written to add EC usage to various stock parts such as the inflatable Heat Shield, the ISRU, the drills, etc. By itself they do nothing, they are used by my upcoming mod Realistic Power Draw and Capsule Corp Endeavor, made by forum user @Gabu Availability Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ModuleAnimGenericResourceUsage Download:https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ModuleAnimGenericResourceUsage/releases License: GPLv3 Available via CKAN Modder Instructions ModuleAnimGenericResourceUsage This small module simply makes sure that the needed specified resources are available before opening or closing the animation. When the animation is triggered, the resources which needed to be available will be used (ie: if 10 EC needed to be able to open a door and it has 15, then opening the door will use 10 ec, eaving 5) This inherits all fields from ModuleAnimateGeneric, and the animations, etc, work exactly as they do in ModuleAnimateGeneric. An example module entry is: MODULE { name = ModuleAnimGenericResourceUsage ResourceUsed = ElectricCharge ResourceAmtNeededToStart = 10 ResourceAmtNeededToEnd = 5 // Following is from a test example which was using the deployable docking port // as a test. Replace the values with what's needed for your mod. animationName = dockingring actionGUIName = #autoLOC_502070 //#autoLOC_502070 = Toggle Shield startEventGUIName = #autoLOC_502071 //#autoLOC_502071 = Open Shield endEventGUIName = #autoLOC_502072 //#autoLOC_502072 = Close Shield allowAnimationWhileShielded = False } name Name of the mod, required ResourceUsed Name of the resource which has to be present before the startEvent can occur ResourceAmtNeededToStart Amount of the resource needed in order for the startEvent to occur ResourceAmtNeededToEnd Amount of the resource needed in order for the endEvent to occur If no valid resource is specified everything will be as normal ModuleAnimGroupResourceUsage This small module simply makes sure that the needed specified resources are available before starting the animation. When the animation is triggered, the resources which needed to be available will be used (ie: if 10 EC needed to be able to open a door and it has 15, then opening the door will use 10 ec, eaving 5). If/when the available resources drop blow the minimum needed, the animation will stop This inherits all fields from ModuleAnimationGroup, and the animations, etc, work exactly as they do in ModuleAnimationGroup. The following is an example: @PART[SurveyScanner]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleAnimationGroup]] { @MODULE[ModuleAnimationGroup] { %name = ModuleAnimGroupResourceUsage ResourceUsed = ElectricCharge ResourceAmtUsedForDeploy = 5 MinimumResAmt = 5 PowerConsumption = 1.5 } } name Name of the mod, required ResourceUsed Name of the needed resource ResourceAmtUsedForDeploy The amount of resources used to start the animation MinimumResAmt The minimum amount of resources needed to continue operation PowerConsumption How much of the resource is used per second ModuleSciExpResourceUsage This small module simply makes sure that the needed rsources are available before starting the science experiment. When triggered, the resources which needed to be available will be used (ie: if 10 EC needed to be able to open a door and it has 15, then opening the door will use 10 ec, eaving 5). If/when the available resources drop blow the minimum needed, the animation will stop This inherits all fields from ModuleScienceExperiment, and the animations, etc, work exactly as they do in ModuleScienceExperiment. The following is an example: @PART[sensorAtmosphere]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleScienceExperiment]] { @MODULE[ModuleScienceExperiment] { %name = ModuleSciExpResourceUsage ResourceUsed = ElectricCharge ResourceAmtUsedForDeploy = 5 } } name Name of the mod, required ResourceUsed Name of the needed resource ResourceAmtUsedForDeploy The amount of resources used to start the animation
  16. Lossless physics IS the stock physics warp, it just allows you to change the values. As you have seen, it's not a great idea to do that, especially moving over the surface.
  17. I'm pretty sure that they are not worried about it.
  18. New release, Fixed missing part info section Fixed issue with trying to show windows for more than one part
  19. That's a weird KRASH issue, not related to this mod
  20. I've looked at the code. The single exception listed above in both my post and @Avera9eJoe's post: NotSupportedException: The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module. at System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.get_Location () [0x00006] in is annoying, but harmless, it can be safely ignored. It is used to get some data to write to the log file
  21. New release, Added all part module info to display window Added option to have PAW entry available in the flight scene Changed output so that if the original part name was the same as the current part name, to only show the name Implemented using Stringbuilder to build the display string Added ability to copy all or just copy some of the part modules
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