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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. It should not be used again, there is a v2 version, but this is not that. Install ZeroMiniAVC to get rid of all traces of the bad version It depends on the mod. Part-only mods are usually ok, but anything with a DLL will likely need to be newer than that. If you are running 1.10.1, then most mods which are built for 1.8 and later will work; mods older than that are not ok
  2. This is a couple of modified parts: Service Module without an engine, and an elongated fairing panel, made from the 4.0.2 version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mvfpn9i1szt335o/SDHI_SM_Modified.zip?dl=0 @sumghai Feel free to incorporate these parts in the complete mod. I think it would be great! One thing about the fairing, it should be possible to use the stock part variant system to provide one fairing part with multiple lengths; I did it with my SRB mod.
  3. This isn't a big deal, I've already been able make a copy of the SM Trunk without the engine, was pretty easy to do in Blender. I've also make a longer fairing in case I want to put in a longer engine
  4. Yes, it does, I am using it in 1.10.1 Please post a log file, either you installed it incorrectly, or there is something else wrong It doesn't replace or change anything. It adds some files. The simplest way to remove it is just remove the directory in the GameData, and ignore the other files, they are harmless. However , I do understand your concern, and will update the mod with an uninstall script in a day or so.
  5. @Starwaster just an FYI, @sumghai is starting to work on updating his mods to 1.10.1, and they depend on this. It probably works, and would just need a bump to show as 1.10.1 compatible.
  6. This looks like a part-only mod. Especially since you updated it for 1.8, you probably wont need to do anything. one request though. I understand why you integrated the engine into the service module. Any chance you could provide both the service module and the engine as separate parts in addition to to merged one? I prefer to be able to use whatever engine i want, usually smaller, and Id rather not have to deal with downloading an older version in order to get those parts Realchutes is updated, the AnimatedDecouplers is currently listed for 1.9.1, and most like will work in 1.10.1. I just pinged @Starwaster about it, but it should work
  7. What exactly are you looking to do? Hi, good to see you.
  8. I can't see it, it seems to be some sort of shared doc. Could you put it into a zip and post a link?
  9. Seems to be a valid file to me, but it's rather big, would have been better putting it into azip
  10. [snip] Send me a complete tree view of your GameData folder, along with the log file Oh, and I don't suppose you installed ZeroMiniAVC? If you had used CKAN, that would have been done for you
  11. [snip] You need to download the RELEASE. [snip] Here is the link: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/StateFundingContinued/releases/download/0.6.18/StateFunding-1.8.0-0.6.18.zip I have over 200 mods, and they all are set up the same.
  12. [snip] You need the release zip, NOT THE GITHUB REPOSITORY. I don't need a log until you install it correctly. CKAN can do that for you [snip]
  13. ummm, where is the log? I can't help if I can't see it. Put it on Dropbox, Google Drive or any other service and post a link (as itsays in the instructions)
  14. Signature is the footer of posts. here is the link: Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/
  15. Follow the link in my signature to find out how to locate the log file
  16. First, a log file. Second, how did you install it, sounds like something is installed wrong
  17. Sounds like you are missing something. How did you install it? Log file is needed for any other help I just loaded it into a 1.10.1 game, works fine Ignore the WRN, it's really an info
  18. Requires code changes Forgot to say: Not planning on doing that myself
  19. If you want yes. Once you've blocked all parts you don't want, you can use the Permaprune option to do that.
  20. I'm rather busy, but if you have a list of issues, I can take a look. Be specific if you can, so I don't have to spend time trying to figure out what's going on. While it may be too much to ask for, save files set up with a scenerio for a specific issue would be useful (this suggestion is for everybody) For your testing, remove ReStock, and any other non-essential mod. I'd recommend setting up a new install with only the mods needed to test. You can also remove large swaths of parts from stock, it really only needs a cubic strut to load.
  21. meaning it works? Absolutely nothing, it's being taken out as well as all the n-body stuff It seems to have a different decay algorithm Fixing this now
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