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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New beta, Beta 3 Fixed stuttering and resetting of vessel orbital position Fixed issues with timerate not being honored correctly Cleaned up code regarding timerate This bug was actually hidden by the previous bug, which was preventing any decay from happening during timewarp. When that was fixed, this was exposed, but since I was looking at timewarp, I didn't see it. Available here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/OrbitalDecay/releases/tag/ I did not look at the station keeping fuel usage, please check it out and let me know how it goes
  2. No need now, thanks. I see the problem. In the future, a log file would be appreciated.
  3. Ok. Could you provide a log file as well, please? I'll be looking at the mod tomorrow, would like to be able to review it, there are some debugging statements which may be useful for me. Edit: I have now observed the problem in my install when I look a fast look.
  4. Where did you get the orbital decay beta from? Based on @Daniel Prates comment above, I suspect you may not have the right version.
  5. Is created by the mod. I’m concerned by the stutter, can you tell me how many vessels you have in the game. Also, could you please send me the save files, I’d like to compare them to my test save thx
  6. Hmm. Any chance you have two copies installed? Which file did you download? you should have downloaded this: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/OrbitalDecay/releases/download/ A complete view of the directory with files is this, if you have anything else, then something's wrong:
  7. I've rewritten the VesselData.cs, uses a dictionary now, no more permutations n^n. Also, GetTotalMass has been replaced with my new method
  8. Yes. I strongly recommend using CKAN, especially with my mods. If you do a mix of manual installs + CKAN installs, you do have a risk of having files installed which CKAN will not overwrite, it's a safety thing. So if you run into that, then remove the offending mod and let CKAN install it as well. CKAN does a good job of installing all necessary dependencies
  9. Post a log file, follow the link in my sig for information
  10. 1.9 had a huge performance improvement, and 1.10.1 is very stable
  11. New beta, Fixed vessel mass calculation for unloaded vessels Rewrote the VesselData.cs to use internal class instead of confignodes Replaced ConfigNode structure with Dictionary using vessel id (GUID), huge speedup Fixed bug in DecayManager, which in CheckVesselProximity was comparing the vessel to itself and getting 0, this was preventing any decay from happening during timewarp Misc. cleanup in DecayManager Please try with the new beta, I found the problem and craft will decay. If timewarping, the screen may not be updated, but will be once you leave timewarp.
  12. New release, Added display of mass of part and resources
  13. New Beta, Beta 2 Added optional (default is to use) interface with KCT to adjust the research times based on what's been allocated in KCT, thanks @hemeac for the suggestion copied above Must use KCT 1.4.8 or later for this to work
  14. New release, 1.4.8 Thanks to @siimav for this: Fix airlaunched vessels flipping out with Principia Thanks to user @DarthPointer for this: Added vessel merging How to use it: You build some vessels or recover them (merging only operates vessels that are in storages) Start editing any vessel from the storage Open merging selection Pick a vessel you want to merge (make sure its root is attachable, just as with stock ship merging) The achieved BP progress will be FullMergedVessel * (1 - ConfigurablePercent/100), FullMergedVessel is Build Points for a craft made of merged vessels. Added public methods for needed access by L-Tech mod
  15. I installed FMRS on a clean KSP + DLC install with CKAN. It started and got to the main menu without any problem. On anything 1.8 or later, you need to be installing FMRS; make sure if you are using CKAN that you set the compatibility to allow 1.8 and 1.9 to be installed on a 1.10 game
  16. If you are installing it with CKAN. It doesnt matter, CKAN will install the right files. I'll test this evening on my modding stream
  17. That actually sounds like a very old version of FMRS
  18. That usually means there is an exception while loading models and the game just hangs there. I would need to see the log file to diagnose it any better, but I will see if I can replicate it this evening
  19. It first happened to me about 4-5 months into the game. I was lucky enough to get a screenshot. Since then, I've seen it a few times, not often at all
  20. What happens with FMRS and the expansion packs? No one has reported any issues. Log file would help
  21. Sorry, SpaceTuxLibrary was a r3cent addition. It is correct in CKAN, I’ve updated the OP
  22. Make sure all the dependencies are installed. CKAN is best way to install any/all of my mods
  23. Where did I ever say that? I guess you didnt read my follow up post: My ideas are similar to yours, to decouple the tech tree from the parts
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