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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New release, Thanks to forum user @dangros for this: Fixed camera by replacing "Camera 01" with "UIMainCamera"
  2. Ok, thanks, I'll get it updated, and hopefully this will help with a few other mods as well
  3. Source code, please. I'll see if I can decompile it, but source is better.
  4. Hi all, I'm looking for an old mod made by @RoverDude called HoloTape It is essentially a tape measure. Besides needing it for some stuff I'm doing, I figure it's a great little utility part. Unfortunately, it seems to have been lost, it was only ever available on Dropbox, and it's long gone. I know that i asked @RoverDude about it a while ago, other than pinging him here I don't want to bother him. So if anybody has it, I'd appreciate a copy. Source code not necessary, as long as the dll and parts are there. But if supplied would be great. If someone does get me a copy, I'll be checking with @RoverDude about the license, hopefully he would let me re-release it. Thanks in advance LGG The original thread is here:
  5. Keeping in mind that I haven't done a deep dive into this code yet, what I've seen is that it's doing a generic calculation based on some stats. Actually, it does appear that it gets the mass of the vehicle, see the VesselData.cs, line 355: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/OrbitalDecay/blob/e0d4a511aeaf66c88e94bfa128e9009771d345de/OrbitalDecay/VesselData.cs#L355-L376 It also calculates the vessel area, see, same file, line 261-295 https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/OrbitalDecay/blob/e0d4a511aeaf66c88e94bfa128e9009771d345de/OrbitalDecay/VesselData.cs#L261-L295 and I can't see any reason to do anything deeper. This is meant to be an approximation, no way it can be totally accurate
  6. In addition to the information found in the other thread, test cases are needed. Specifically, make it fail or error in a repeatable manner, and let me know about how to reproduce it
  7. Useful info here from the older thread (which I'll need when I have a bit more time to dig into the issues) and here: and here: and:
  8. I started a new thread here: I released it as a beta, I'm still deep inside a couple of other mods, so this is going to have to wait until I have some time. All the comments above are great and useful. My repo is here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/OrbitalDecay/ And if anyone actually fixes it before I do, please submit a PR and I'll gladly merge it after review.
  9. Not without totally rewriting that code (the game code), could be done, but there are other things going on which would need to be addressed.
  10. There is a small mod by @sarbian called DebugStuff which will display the transform colliders, sounds like exactly what you need
  11. The "how they should be built" should also allow multiple answers. Other than that, looks like an interesting poll How about adding one or two questions to see if the respondent is currently using the existing telescope modd?
  12. No reason why not, just be sure to delete the MiniAVC.dll file
  13. Getting close to the next beta, this one with the new models and new way of calculation
  14. No idea why it wasn't working. I don't do anything with RSS/RO, why don't you ask them about it. I've worked with them before, if they can look I'd be happy to incorporate any necessary changes
  15. Unfortunately, no. and calling the OnDestroy didn't work either.
  16. Why not? And, I thought we were having a discussion
  17. First, because of your statement, you already said:: Second, because of what I said, which you seemed to ignore: I was exploring your statement using stated assumptions for the purpose of exploring the statement I was trying to illustrate the point that saying something is only desirable if available is nonsense. Which is why my initial post in this thread stated that:
  18. Really? Let's explore this statement a bit: Let's assume that you only want it if it is done immediately. You say that if it won't be done for (let's say) 3 months that you don't want it. Let's further assume that it is released 3 months after the game is released. So your statement is implying that if it isn't released immediately, that you will never use it, regardless of when it is released. This is like cutting off your nose to spite your face. What makes it any less desirable if it isn't released immediately? Let's look at this in another light: Brake lights on cars were not initially on the cars. Brake lights were added in the late 1910's-mid 1920's. Would you say that brake lights are useful? What if you owned a car which was purchased before brake lights were mandated, would you refuse to put on brake lights because "they weren't required when I purchased the car"? This is an extreme comparison, but I hope it illustrates the point: The desirability of a feature does not depend on when it is added. It is either desirable, or not desirable, whether or not it is available at the time the desire is expressed
  19. Your opinion as to whether it is a desirable feature or not has no relation on when it's implemented. Either you want it or not. The "when" has no impact on the basic question
  20. It is not our job or position to say “when” a feature should be added. It is biased asking the question by itself without asking a hundred questions about all the other features in the game. I didn’t say the other two questions shouldn’t be asked. But how can you prioritize one thing without even mentioning all the other items needing prioritization? I'm about done with these polls. Polls made by people who don’t understand how polls work and how bias can creep into them, are not valid polls, they end up being unwitting extensions of the opinion and/desires of the person making the poll. Regarding my comments in a previous thread; those were made in reply to comments in that thread, not this one.
  21. Question 2 is irrelevant to the basic question. It's inherently a biased question.
  22. Seems simple, but I haven't been able to find it. I have a PAW button which opens a window. I want the PAW to go away when the window opens. It's late, maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow, or maybe someone will have the answer Thanks in advance
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