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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. No problem, thanks for getting back to me. I’ll leave it be.
  2. Hi @Beale First. The github link is returning a 404 And second, I'd be willing to adopt this to keep it current, if you are willing. If @Beale is ok with my adopting this, would you still have those files around?
  3. And that's what I love about the game. Even with all the new stuff, you can still concentrate on the exploration, or go deep into the engineering. Your game, your play style
  4. Don't get me wrong, I understand what you are doing, and for yourself, it's fine. And you aren't pushing your stuff elsewhere, so there's no problem. I was expressing an opinion as to things in general, didn't mean for it to come off as an attack. One thing though, and maybe you already have this, but I think you should have a README which is explicit as to the changes, so that someone else coming across it will at least have a chance of doing the right thing.
  5. No, but if a problem occurs, the first question is, what version of mods are you running, and, if not running the latest, the answer is to get the latest before asking for help
  6. These are just some debug lines, easy to remove Not sure what that is. It's KSP code, maybe it's something funny in your station. I'll get the first one fixed today Edit: The BurstAtomicThrustModule has been updated to remove the log spam
  7. @girka2k and others As you can see from my previous message, I have gotten this to work in KSP 1.9.1 with the current version of ModuleManager. I'm currently trying to see if I can get it to actually call ModuleManager to load the new part. The version I started with was a fork by @Lisias. Right now, it works, but you have to manually reload the database using Alt-F11 in the SpaceCenter. Not a big deal, but I'd like to see if I can work with MM to load the new part, either while in the editor or automatically upon returning to the SpaceCenter. What I can say is that the 1.8.0 which is currently available does not work if the current version of ModuleManager is installed. It apparently does work if an older version of MM is installed, but that's not a great idea since anything which takes advantage of bug fixes and improvements in the current MM won't work properly. Either way, I certainly do not need another mod to maintain, especially one which I don't really use. So, assuming I can get this working, would you like me to submit a PR to your repo?
  8. It will be on Github, although there is a small chance I would adopt it in a maintenance mode
  9. Ummm, when it's ready? I posted that message only 2 hours ago. Patience, and don't feed the bears
  10. I am working on making it work with the official MM. While I understand what and why you did that, I disagree with it. You run the risk of having diverging versions of one or more mods, and the potential is there for someone to bring up an issue in the official thread. of a problem in the fork.
  11. I disagree. There is only one cryonics mod, and it only has 3-4 parts. I dont think it is worth making a mode for one mod. If there were more, then maybe
  12. The problem was that you really need to do the dump after ModuleManager has run, to pick up any changes to the parts
  13. I found out it actually calls MM via Reflection. I have a version of UBIO Welding that is compiled against KSP 1.9.1, and works, with the current version of ModuleManager. Right now the only issue is that you have to manually reload the MM database after returning to the Space center I'll have to see if I can get it to reload automatically before I release this, even in a very unofficial manner
  14. I have a version of UBIO Welding that is compiled against KSP 1.9.1, and works, with the current version of ModuleManager. Right now the only issue is that you have to manually reload the MM database after returning to the Space center I'll have to see if I can get it to reload automatically before I release this, even in a very unofficial manner
  15. Can anyone explain why, if it doesn't use any patches, that it doesn't with with any newer version of MM?
  16. Last version that I know that UBIO worked on was 1.4.5
  17. Ok. You may have mods installed, please confirm. Also, please read the following link, which will tell you what we need to help you: Read this BEFORE asking for support:
  18. New beta, Fixed window not resizing properly when options changed Available here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ResourceMonitors/releases
  19. Ctrl-w is not a thing anymore. If you aren't seeing the button in the Space Center, then something is wrong and I'll need to see the entire log file. But I can say that you are not running the BETA based on that snippit you posted. Again, the beta is only available here: Download: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/WalkAbout/releases - BETA NOT THROUGH CKAN Did you bother to read my reply to @MaxPeck? Which, according to him, solved his problem
  20. New beta, Modified the CBTMonitor to not run in any scene other than the editor Fixed window data not getting cleared properly https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ClickThroughBlocker/releases
  21. Originally written by @RealGecko, it was last updated for KSP 1.3.1. After a request, I've adopted and updated the mod for KSP 1.8 & 1.9. Original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/161214-ksp-131-interstellar-warp-drive-standalone-betoooo-2017-10-10/ USI Warp Drive is pretty cool, but does not allow you to time warp. Here's the intermediate solution: ISWD standalone - almost the same mechanics as in Interstellar, but in vanilla KSP. Interstellar is cool, but pretty complex mod. USI Warp Drive is pretty cool, but does not allow you to time warp. Here's the intermediate solution: ISWD standalone - almost the same mechanics as in Interstellar, but in vanilla KSP. New Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController Availability Source code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSP-WarpDrive Download: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSP-WarpDrive/releases License: KSPI-E Know how: The idea is that EM decays. So you need "Containment Field" to accumulate and store it. To activate containment field you need current power production 100 EC/s. Once activated containment field consumes 100EC/s and generates 0.01 EM/s. 100EC/s is not big deal if you use something like NFE, but really hard to achieve in stock, so I think it's a good value. If you initiate warp containment field becomes self sufficient, so no EC will be consumed, but EM won't be produced either. Such mechanics makes using warp drive not a piece of cake, but who said that travelling to the stars will be easy? Next, stats: Current Gravity Force - shows how deep you're in gravity well, the stronger the force, the lesser the speed you can warp with. Speed Restricted by G - ultimate speed limit of your warp, your warp speed will be dropped automatically as soon as you go deeper into gravity well, so beware, especially when approaching gas giants, as you may end up in sub orbital trajectory without enough EM to initiate escape jump. Current Speed Factor - currently selected warp speed, measured in fractions of C. !!!ACHTUNG!!! - C is "kerbalized" and equals to 29 979 245.8 m/s. Maximum Speed Factor - max allowed warp speed according to gravity well restriction. Minimal Required EM - minimal amount of EM required to initiate warp for the current vessel. Current Requred EM - amount of EM required to initiate warp with the current warp factor (see below) Maximum Required EM - amount of EM required to warp with maximum allowed factor. Current Drives Power - abstract value that affects EM requirements. Can be improved by unlocking new technologies (this part needs to be reviewed as current release may have bugs). Can also be improved with installing more than one WD on your vessel. The higher the factor the lesser EM requirements. Vessel Total Mass - no need to explain. The lesser the mass, the less EM is required to warp. Drives Efficiency - anothe abstract value that shows overall warp efficiency of your vessel. WARP FACTORS: You may think about warp factors as electron energy levels in atom, the "lowest" energy level is ONE C, that level requires minimal EM to initiate warp, all other factors will cost more and more. Here's how it looks like: 0.01 > 0.016 > 0.025 > 0.04 > 0.063 > 0.1 > 0.16 > 0.25 > 0.40 > 0.63 > 1.0 < 1.6 < 2.5 < 4.0 < 6.3 < 10 < 16 < 25 < 40 < 63 < 100 < 160 < 250 < 400 < 630 < 1000 So YES, warping lower than C requires more EM. That's current Interstellar mechanics that I kept with this mod. Increase Factor and Decrease Factor buttons increase and decrease warp factor. Reduce Warp Factor changes warp factor so that you go to lower "energy level". EM accumulation is done in background, so you can leave you warp ship on the orbit and continue building base on the Mun. Actually no background processing is done at all, instead you get "compensation" of EM according to time you've been away from warp ship, so this process does not eat your CPU time. Once in warp ship goes on "rails", that means your ship movement is processed by KSP itself and not by this mod, so you can go to tracking station and observe how you warp ship spikes trough time/space. WARNING!!! High speed warp (especially far away from Kerbol) is better observed from tracking station, otherwise you may wake up Kraken and your ship will be desintegrated. That's sometimes true while ship changes SOI, so quicksave is your good friend. If you loose your EC production containment field will continue to operate until EC is depleted. So you won't loose all your EM once you accidentally retract all your solar panels. EM decays with the rate of 100/s, be carefull. Launch scenario: Deliver your ship to the orbit, the higher orbit is better as G effect of Kerbin will be minimal, so you can warp with the lowest EM requirements possible. 10 megameters is a good start. Make sure your EC production is sufficient, otherwise you'll have really expensive satellite Activate containment field, you'll start getting EM immediately. Go and do something interesting like launching tourists to the orbit. EM is produced slowly. Come back to your ship after a little bit and see if you have enough EM. Pick your target and desired warp factor and initiate warp. Side note: I recommend using MJ Smart A.S.S to hold your ship orientation as stock SAS still not that "Smart". You can increase and decrease your warp speed while in warp, but that requires additional EM, so be carefull. If you go too deep into the gravity well, your warp factor will be reduced automatically until to 1 C and then you'll be dropped out of warp as moving slower than C requires more EM, so beware. Once you reached destination deactivate warp drive, but beware that containment field will start sucking up your EC immediately. I recommend using this mod for travelling to distant stars, for tactial "inside system" jumps USI Warp Drive is much better.
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