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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. There is a reason that MiniAVC is not used anymore, it broke with the 1.8 update, and while I was able to fix it, the hassle of having a broken version in so many mods wasn’t worth it, which is why I now recommend ZeroMiniAVC
  2. No need to highlight the text. Read the following first: Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/
  3. Like I said,doesn't hurt,they were warnings, but it obviously helps to remove warnings. But, here is an updated version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iywr31dl69sg4ra/FTP-Patches-v2.zip?dl=0
  4. Player.log, please, this one is mostly useless for this sort of thing. And I asked for another just to have some fresh info. One thing I did notice, was that you seem to be using a very old mod, Fantom Works, and there are a lot of issues with the parts such as: ERR 16:03:35.590] PartCompiler: Cannot find Part of type 'Strut' ERR 16:03:35.598] PartCompiler: Cannot clone model from 'Fantom Works/Kirage 2000' directory as model does not exist [ERR 16:03:40.456] PartCompiler: Cannot replace texture as cannot find texture 'biPlane' to replace [LOG 16:06:03.587] Cannot find InternalProp 'B9_AbortButton2' You are alsu using SXT, and either you are using an old version or you haven't followed the instructions in the README: [ERR 16:05:46.158] PartCompiler: Cannot replace texture 'fueltTanks_cm' as cannot find texture 'Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/fueltTanks_cm' to replace with And I see you are using BDArmory, which is where the errors (NullRefs) appear to be from, the errors start happening right after a part is deleted. Have you inquired in the BDArmory thread?
  5. @Jacke and anyone else interested in knowing what is going on, a full description along with a solution I'm working on is here:
  6. I ran into this problem a month ago, and first spent several hours isolating it down to two specific mods, and then today I spent a number of hours debugging it. What made it strange was that the two mods both worked perfectly by themselves, it was only when both were installed that the problem showed up. It was very strange., you can read about the issue here: The problem of multiple buttons when both Fill-It-Up and Progressive-Colonization are present (and most likely Werner's Checker as well) arises because both mods are replacing the listener of the EditorLogic.fetch.launchBtn.onClick. Then, when the button is clicked, BOTH replacements are called, and then both of them are invoking the EditorLogic.fetch.launchVessel This isn't a bug in either mod, it's a bug in the implementation since there is no way for a mod to get a delegate of a button which is an unknown method. While it's possible to remove all listeners, the only one this would work for would be the last mod initialized, since it would remove all others. Ideally, what should happen is one of the following (for the purposes of this discussion, I'll refer to both mods via abbreviations, and also assume there are only two mods, but this applies to any number of mods): The new UnityAction which each mod adds would be called simultaneously, and then only when both have finished, the original delegate (EditorLogic.fetch.launchVessel) would be called. The first mod initialized would be called first, and when it was done the second mod would be called, and finally the original delegate would be called. A mod will specify a priority when initializing . This can't be solved by one mod, a solution needs to be implemented and used by all mods which replaces the delegate(s) of this button. I am working on a solution for this because: I found the problem I have at least two mods affected by this problem I'm writing a tiny mod which will be used by any other mod to control access to this button and it's delegates: class ButtonManager { void InitializeListener(UnityEngine.UI.Button button, UnityAction delegate); int AddListener(UnityEngine.UI.Button button, UnityAction delegate, int priority = 5); void RemoveListener(UnityEngine.UI.Button button, UnityAction delegate); void RemoveListener(int listenerId); int GetListenerCount(UnityEngine.UI.Button button); void RemoveAllListeners(UnityEngine.UI.Button button); void InvokeNextDelegate(int currentDelegateId); void SetModeSequential(); void SetModeSimultaneous(); } The priority will be used to determine the order of listeners to be called. Higher priorities will be run first. For the Sequential mode, mods with the same priority will be run in the order initialized. InitializeListener Initializes the mod to work with the specified button. The delegate should be the same as what the default it, it will have the lowest priority AddListener Adds a delegate to a button with a specified priority. Returns a listenerId, used below RemoveListener Removes a delegate from a button GetListenerCount Gets a count of all the listeners RemoveAllListeners Removes all except the default listener InvokeNextDelegate Tells the mod to call the next delegate on the list SetModeSequential SetModeSimultaneous These two can set or change the mode, sequential will run one delegate at a time, simultaneous will run all of the same priority at the same time, and then the next lower, etc I hope to have this finished in the next few days, and will first implement it in my mods.
  7. I know what the problem is. It has to do with both mods intercepting the Launch button, and then both mods, simultaneously initiating the launch sequence. It has to do with this: EditorLogic.fetch.launchBtn.onClick.RemoveListener(defaultLaunchDelegate);
  8. I've found the cause of the problem, and it has nothing to do with the ScenarioModule, that was a red herring. It turns out that both mods are intercepting the Launch button, and then something odd is going on, I haven't yet figured out what is wrong. This only happens with these two mods (that I know of) because of this particular behaviour. I'll update this once I have it fixed
  9. He probably got the game long before it was on steam Actually, a year and a 1/2 is not bad at all. Many games have taken 5 to 7 years to fully develop.
  10. His twitch is now Matoro Https://twitch.tv/matoro
  11. Because that what happens when you make something smaller in IRL
  12. When it's out of BETA, it will go on CKAN. and you need to give more information about the issue where it doesn't have enough. A save file in this case would be best, try to use as few mods as possible. Save the game when it happens and send it to me
  13. Last month I discovered a very odd interaction between two mods FillItUp and ProgressiveColonization. The problem occured when leaving the Editor and going to launch. Everything works fine in the editor: but after launch: You can see how buttons have been doubled. FillItUp uses the ToolbarController, ProgressiveColonization uses the stock AddModApplication() I've spent several hours on this, and the only thing I found was that the method calling AddModApplication() is inside a ScenarioModule, which happens to be an abstract class inherited by two other classes, one for the Editor and one for the Flight scene. When I merely change the class from a ScenarioModule to a MonoBehaviour, the toolbar work correctly. Oddly enough, even when I disable the AddModApplication() call in ProgressiveColonization, the problem still happens. ProgressiveColonization uses this method: PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog So is it ok/normal to use ScenarioModule this way (as a replacement for MonoBehaviour)? And even though it does inherit from MonoBehaviour, certain methods, such as Awake(), Start(), etc aren't available to be used (ie: they don't get called)
  14. I do not support Kerbalism, no idea if it works there. If someone were to submit a patch for it, I'd accept it, but that's as far as I will go
  15. The GameData on Github is NOT a release. If you want a release of any of my mods, go to the Releases tab ============================= New Beta, Added MiniMod to clear input locks via toolbar button: Added one-time popup window Added ToolbarController as a dependency Removed need to save window rect Added Focus Follows Click mode Reorganized code a bit Removed some unnecessary assignments Added stock settings page to support the FocusFollowsClick mode Available only from here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ClickThroughBlocker/releases/tag/
  16. Nice job, but it took 72 days to get the documents destroyed. Plenty of time for an inspired investigator to catch up and stea- I mean aquire the documents
  17. That is so far-fetched I'm surprised the question is asked. In games like Elite Dangerous, NMS, Eve Online and others, time is a constant. No time warping. Physics is comic-book physics. KSP has and requires time warping, since it is dealing with a realistic approximation of physics, it can take a long time to go from one point to another. Ergo, the idea of time warping was introduced. Unless, of course, you would like to do a mission to the moon in real time? That would be 99.99% boring, 0.01% heart-in-your-mouth.
  18. Not needed for this patch, it's generally a good idea to not add in things to code, configs, etc. which are meaningless and/or not needed Leftover, doesn't hurt to leave it, but I will delete it.
  19. I've learnt the hard way that if it isn't mentioned in the rules, someone will do it.
  20. Ok. Not a problem, you may want to put a line in the OP stating that it has to be launched from KSC
  21. Does the lander have to be launched from the KSP, or hyper-edited into orbit?
  22. @Krzeszny @TranceaddicT and anyone else who wants to use this mod in 1.9: I've created a set of patches to fix the problems in the mod. Problems include: 3 parts had incorrect bulkheadProfiles Radial tanks would crash KSP Fuel amounts have been all adjusted Note: I haven't yet gotten around to updating the tank masses, that will be next, I'd like you all to try these out and let me know how it goes: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g95k0ftylxalac0/FTP-Patches-v3.zip?dl=0 IMPORTANT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS # FuelTanksPlus IMPORTANT - INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Some of the parts (see below) use some Squad textures. Unfortunately, Squad has been deprecating textures over time, some of the textures it uses have been moved into the zDeprecated directory, and are not directly accessible during loading. This causes some textures to be missing. To address this, I've provided a pair of scripts, one to be used on Windows and the other to be used on both Linux & OSX. These only need to be run one time First, copy all the files in this Zip into the FuelTanksPlus directory Windows Instructions ==================== Open the FuelTankPlus folder folder in Windows Explorer Double-click on the file Windows_CopyTextures.bat (note that on most systems, you won't see the .bat) Linux & OSX Desktop Instructions ================================ Open the FuelTanksPlus folder Double-click on the file: BashCopyTextures.sh Linux & OSX Terminal Instructions ================================= Change to the GameData/SXT directory Type the following: bash BashCopyTextures.sh Affected Parts ============== TPcone2m TPcone3m TPdecoupler2m TPdecoupler3m TPdome2m TPdome3m TPtank1m0mA TPtank2m1mA TPtank2mL05625 TPtank2mL11250 TPtank2mL15000 TPtank3m2mA TPtank3m2mA2 TPtank3mL00938 TPtank3mL05625 TPtank3mL11250 TPtank3mL15000
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