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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. For the record (what’s a record), i hereby declare that i do not work for Star Theory
  2. New release, 1.4.0 Added InstallChecker to full KSP-AVC Updated Event.repaint to Event.Repaint in IssueGui.cs, DropDownList.cs Replaced all WWW with UnityWebRequest Rebuild both for 1.8
  3. New beta, Added back in missing files Deleted unneeded ToolbarWrapper.cs Merged in PR from @siimav by hand https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KCT/releases/tag/ This fixes the problem with vessels not being removed from the launch queue @todi, possibly @New Horizons's problem as well
  4. This may be related to the missing files, so wait an hour or so and I'll have a new beta out
  5. There isn't any "boilerplate" code, other than what individual people keep for themselves. All of my personal boilerplate is here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSP-Build-Scripts and it's up-to-date, but is obviously specific to me
  6. What happened to the rocket? Crash, recover, left on land or in the sea? Etc Please confirm what version of KSP you were running
  7. First, asking for updates is against forum rules. Second, the mod hasn't been updated for 1.8 yet. Third, the reason is a bug in KSP which causes the issue you see. Best to wait for 1.8.1
  8. In 1.8, the Player.Log replaces the output_log.txt Mods which haven't been updated for 1.8 aren't supported. Which icon? Steps to replicate, please. Only use 1.8 mods for this. I'll need a list of mods, and what you did to get this to happen. Also, which button disappears?
  9. Since it's listed on Spacedock as MIT, you are probably safe to offer it the same way. Given the absence of @The White Guardian, you may want to consider a full adoption
  10. That's actually the message I pulled from the InstallChecker.cs, which I've been adding to all my mods (code-based mods). It's a good idea, thanks
  11. Actually, @Malahturned it over to me, latest version is here https://spacedock.info/mod/1614/ZeroMiniAVC I dont know why @DoctorDavinci released a version when I've been supporting this since 1.3. My version is available via CKAN Not going to be in AVC or MiniAVC. Either it will be a standalone, or added to MADLAD. This is not meant to be intrusive. Most players won't even know about it, and for the 0.01% who are smart enough to rename folders intelligently will be smart enough to not install MADLAD Questioning minds want to know. This will be another way to make sure all dependencies are installed
  12. Ok, I've gotten it working as a stand-alone mod for now. I've enhanced what I wrote earlier a bit. Specs are below, please provide feedback: InstallValidator JSON stanza(s) located in the .version file. "INSTALL_LOC": { "NAME": "modname", // optional "PATH": "path", "DIRECTORY": "dirName", "FILE": "fileName", "MESSAGE": "message to display" } Multiple stanzas can be listed, as long as each has a unique suffix and starts with INSTALL_LOC_. The suffix can be anything you want. It would look like this: "INSTALL_LOC_1": { "NAME": "modname", // optional "PATH": "path", "DIRECTORY": "dirName", "FILE": "fileName", "MESSAGE": "message to display" } NAME If not specified, uses the Modname from the .version file. PATH Path to the directory, begins below the GameData DIRECTORY Directory where file is. FILE filename to be checked MESSAGE Optional, if there will be used instead of default message Message can have the following substitutions <MODNAME> name of mod <FIELD> replace with either "File", "Directory", "Path" <FILE> replace with fileName <DIRECTORY> replace with dirName <PATH> replace with path <STANZA> replace with the stanza name Default message is: <MODNAME> + " has been installed incorrectly and will not function properly. All files should be located in KSP/GameData/" + <DIRECTORY> Note that when checking for the existance of a file, the FILE, PATH & DIRECTORY are concatted together as follows: PATH/DIRECTORY/FILE This does imply that you could use only one of either PATH or DIRECTORY, if you put the complete path in that entry
  13. If he is running 1.8 then it will be the Player.log, in the same place the output_log.txt used to be
  14. The RO branch has been very busy, and I've just finished merging all their changes. I'm calling this a beta, with the possibility of being turned into a full release if no issues are found. As a beta, you will need to install it manually, it is NOT available via CKAN: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KCT/releases/tag/ Removed the ability to move a ship from VAB to SPH and back Removed all KSP1_4 #if/#endif statements Following are from the RO branch Fixed assembly loading for other mods that reference KCT Can no longer launch vessels with locked parts Reworked the code that checks for locked parts. Previous version was causing issues with a couple of other mods. Can no longer do 5 more rush builds after editing a vessel Added training warning and disabled Auto-hire button for RP-1 Update message text Separated Build+Rollout into Build+Integration+Rollout Fix a nasty infinite loop and add correct estimate to build list Added rollout time to GUI; Fix vessel editing progress calculations Fix build progress for recovered vessels Refactor BP calculations and apply global multipliers to Effective cost Added effectiveCost field to KCT_BuildListVessel Improve .gitignore Add Effective Cost [E] variable to integration and rollout cost formulas Clean up the editor UI Added formula for calculating rush cost Fix funds being changed by integration cost on launch and recovery Merge LGG->SepIntegration Add missing files to RO csproj Disable transferring vessels between VAB and SPH in RP-1 Disable the Switch Editor button while editing an existing vessel. Bad things will happen if the edits are saved in another mode than the initial one Please try it out and let me know how it goes.
  15. Ok. In order for those to work as you expect, this mod would be extremely inefficient and slow down the computer. It's only doing a single sample of height and speed, and doesn't know about helicopter blades. @Capital_Asterisk Maybe have some way to tell it about helicopter blades?
  16. New release, (for 1.7.3) Thanks to github user @zorg2044 for all of the following: Add support for Knes, CryoEngines, NFLV, Restock plus, ReDirect and more. add external ignitor module to free standing MLP structures Some MM hosuekeeping. remove deprecated cryoengines Update clamps configs optional remove EC patch some more rebalancing NFLV rebalance tantares ec balance fix unbalanced bracket add ReStockPlus add Making history Update stock revamped engines, NFLV ignitor type descr Split off Part Overhauls Add support for Fuji Update reDIRECT Add NEEDS to new configs Add EC to CryoEngines remove FINAL from remaining patches Add EC to Knes configs Add NF spacecraft Update Tantares spacecraft Update all internal patch TantaresLV update remove final from RAPIER, increase range on FASA clamps Optional all internal ignitions patch Increase ignition range for stock clamps Modular Launch pads support remove FINAL from stock patches Add Knes, update NFLV and CryoEngines Near Future Launch Vehicles configs New CryoEngines
  17. It's not an issue with this mod, its RPM. and, since RPM isn't updated, there is nothing I can do
  18. I've been thinking about this. I think it would make sense for your mod which is checking for problems regarding installed DLLs, also have the ability to check for missing files as listed in the .version file. I'm going to see if I can whip up a class(s) to check this evening, will contact you if/when I have a working file
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