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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Ok, that was a long shot, but I needed to know. The animated icon is manual, so there is a decent amount of processing going on for that. I don't remember exactly, but I do know there were some improvements made in the recent builds. Given what it does, it's impossible to avoid all impact, it does need to do things in order to do it's thing :-) For now, I'll consider it resolved. [x] Science, does things in a different way, and is checking ALL biomes & experiments. I believe that there was an unofficial build which fixed that particular issue, no idea when it was done. The unofficial build simply disabled checks for biomes which the current vessel wasn't around (I don't remember the details)
  2. How about a log file right after it happens, so I can see what's going on, if possible.
  3. Sorry to say that there doesn't seem to be much interest in this mod anymore. And I think that you would probably have the same problems as the stock method. While untested in 1.6, the mod should work. You can get the latest version from here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/PersistentDynamicPodNames/releases/tag/0.1.9 I would be interested in hearing the results of your tests
  4. That looked very odd. The toolbar mod (the Blizzy toolbar) which you updated had not had any changes for a long time, other than a version bump. I assume you installed and NOT the 1.4.5-
  5. I tested this, don't see it. I was able to go on EVA, get science, keep it, return to the capsule and transmit it down (with an external antenna). I need more info, a log file, and if possible a video showing it not working Curious, is that happening while the icon is animated?
  6. Very nice, although I don't like the zero thickness, makes it a bit unrealistic (I know, it's a game) Might I suggest that you take a look at the Mk2.5 Space Plane mod for inspiration? The wings I include on it are just resized BigS Delta, but all the other parts were made for the mod by the original author and some others more recently
  7. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away.... Oops, wrong topic, let's start again Back in 2013, forum user @huin make this nice little tool for making videos. He hasn't been around since May, 2016, and I got a request to see what I could do with it. The original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/22781-0235-kerbcam-v013-camera-pathing-tool-for-videos/ Forum user @cartman did some recompiles for 1.2 & 1.3, those are currently in CKAN. Note that Camera Tools will likely cover many of the features of KerbCam and more, and will probably see more love and time than I can spend on KerbCam. However, quoting @Drew Kerman: Dependencies ToolbarController ClickThroughBlocker This is a tool for those video makers who want just a bit more camera movement and orientation control. Excellent tutorial video provided by Rureglathon: KerbCam on Curse Note that Camera Tools will likely cover many of the features of KerbCam and more, and will probably see more love and time than I can spend on KerbCam. KerbCam guidebook on Google Docs This is a tool for those video makers who want just a bit more camera movement and orientation control. Excellent tutorial video provided by Rureglathon: Availability Source code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/kerbcam Download: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/kerbcam/releases License: License (BSD license) CKAN now available Installation: Unzip the ZIP file inside the GameData directory. This should create a "KerbCam" directory there (with a "Plugins" subdirectory), or use CKAN to install Features: Keyed pathing and playback. Create and edit keys, each of which controls the orientation and position of the camera relative to the spacecraft at a given time on the path. Path playback attempts to smoothly interpolate from one point to the next. 6-degrees-of-freedom camera controller. No longer be limited to camera positions that are simple rotations around the craft. Path recording (and playback) and camera movement while paused. This is actually an accidental feature, but one that is very handy for preparatory recording of a path or taking a screenshot while a lot of action is going on. (suggest creating and selecting the new path before pausing to workaround a glitch for now). This should also allow for cool "bullet-time" like effects (albeit with the game paused rather than slowed down). Keyframed linearly interpolated time slowdown/pausing. (bullet time effect) Make more videos, with greater freedom than you ever had before. Donations gratefully accepted    https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer
  8. Hmmm. Propriety information released to the internet?
  9. I would say that the thermometer was too heavy
  10. I've gotten some more testing in. It looks good in 1.6, but I'm having a small issue with the toolbar icon. Also, there is a bunch of old, messy code for the old toolbar which I need to clean up. Look for a release in the next few days
  11. Yup, I think you are. The IFS module is installed in the config files, and that defines the resources available in the tank. // --- Modules --- MODULE { name = InterstellarFuelSwitch resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer;XenonGas;MonoPropellant resourceAmounts = 14,17;28;34;440;40 initialResourceAmounts = 14,17;28;34;440;40 basePartMass = 0.02 tankMass = 0.00025;0.000125;0.000125;0.0022;0.0004 tankCost = 50;0;20;2100;100 displayCurrentTankCost = false hasGUI = true availableInFlight = false availableInEditor = true showInfo = true } I do see a problem, in that CKAN is looking for the full IFS, while this only needs the core, I'll have to get that updated. But I just tested this, by installing (with CKAN) Octosat and the required dependencies, and it worked, there was fuel in the Octosat tanks
  12. New release, 1.5.12 Added Dry Cost of part to display Fixed display of numbers to limit decimal places Reorganized window a bit Updated PAW entry display to make obvious to toggle NRAP window
  13. New release, 2.2.4 Add check in the SetupRootModule() for null refs
  14. I realize that, thanks. But I'm trying to do as much as possible with the Mk2.5 Spaceplane parts. If I used a Mk IV, i could assemble the entire station in a single flight .
  15. Your welcome. IMHO, balancing should not be immediate. I do realize that there is significant work involved with doing that, however.
  16. FYI, CKAN now lists RLA as 1.6.0 compatible
  17. New release, Added new size 1.5 (1.875m) to filter selection See OP for info on builds for previous versions of KSP
  18. New release, Added code to create the PluginData directory if it doesn't exist Moved the Textures directory into the PluginData directory Fixed Nullref which prevented the Coroutine from starting, which kept the mod from keeping count of the time See first post regarding release files for older versions of KSP
  19. Oh, I think I just saw the problem. It's missing a directory. Create the directory PluginData in the TotalTime directory, and that should fix it Let me know
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