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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. That is the latest. In CKAN, change the compatible setting to allow 1.5 mods to be seen as compatible.
  2. All my mods have had the online ,version file updated to 1.6 Given the stability I've seen so far, I'm not doing any active updates unless there is a reported bug
  3. Ummm, is there a problem with Haystack? Please let me know ASAP OK! I just took it for a spin... So far so good, except I feel naked without my small number of must-have mods Did you know that most mods which are 1.5 compatible also work in 1.6?
  4. A few questions. What sort of learning curve is there to this? Is it very time consuming to use this? Is there an advantage to have this running while flying (on a different monitor)? Thx
  5. Ok. And if you could specify some specific steps to replicate, I can see if a recompile would fix.
  6. That's a bit too chesty for me. I'll stick with TAC Self Destruct, which needs a part aka explosive device to do its thing It is being added to PWB Fuel Balancer. But nothing says you can't use both
  7. Nope, I've been doing that as well. Watch for a new mod to be released in the next day or so which will make it much easier to load and unload individual resources (ie: fuel) in the Editor from all tanks in a stage, or the entire vessel. This will make it easier to check the balance with different fuel loads
  8. Very interesting. Let me know what you find out, if it indeed provides what I need, then I may take a look at this on Monday night when I do my modding stream
  9. New release, 0.1.5 Localization fixes This was done as a seperate update to have a good starting place
  10. New release, Adopted by Linuxgurugamer Revised release file Added jenkins config Moved .version file to top directory
  11. The Fuel dump functionality in PWB is brand new, so I'm sure other things will be added. My goal is to keep it simple, if possible, yet powerful
  12. Interesting, I hadn't thought about that. Shouldn't be too difficult to detect, it's the UI which will be a vhallenge
  13. Only if it isn't strutted, which it was. That's one reason I had a fuel tank in front and in back. I use the PWBFuelBalancer Rebalanced & Resource Jettisoning which I revived and enhanced. In one of the shuttle missions above (the one which brought the 43 ton tank up), the balance was off enough that I lost control of the shuttle, but was able to both vent and rebalance it so that I was able to move the CG forward enough to regain control and land the shuttle back at the KSC I was not happy with TAC Fuel Balancer, which is one reason I revived the PWB Fuel Balancer mod
  14. With Dropbox, just right-click on the file and select the option which says to copy sharing link to clipboard, then paste that The purple box seems to indicate the mod isn't installed properly
  15. For now, you can tell CKAN to allow 1.5 mods as compatible. I've pushed an update to the .version file which may fix the issue, if it does, then it will be fixed by this evening, otherwise I'll have to push out a complete release for this
  16. It will be very tight, at least until the docking port at the end grabs hold. I can't use a docking port on the base of the shuttle because it bleeds through, and would at the very least look very strange to see this round cylinder coming out the bottom. What I'm concerned about is the reentry and landing. That configuration won't have a lot of leeway, the jets only help, can't really keep it up. The fuel pod return is going to be my next mission, on Sunday evening, I think.
  17. Same shuttle, but will be replacing the wings. I'll use the docking port at the back to grab hold, and then will probably use eva struts to hold it in place (unless that isn't allowed)
  18. New release, Fixed jettison code to work properly on multiple vessels and on scene switches Added Settings page to specify whether jettison should continue when switching scenes Added edge pulsing to show which parts are venting Added color settings sliders to settings page
  19. Any mods installed? A complete log file would be useful
  20. New release, 0.3.9 Moved cfg file into PluginData Moved all wordlists into PluginData/WordLists Thanks to github user @Archimagus: Added the ability to have custom ship prefixes Removed KSP_VERSION_MAX from .version file
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