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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I assume this was for STS Commander Rank 1, but I can't tell the difference between the badges. Looking at the OP, both STS Pilot Rank 1 and STS Commandr Rank 1 have two badges for each, and either I'm blind or I can't tell the difference between them, other than fir left badge for each has gold trim and tie right badge has white trim (the feathering to each side of the word Challenge in each)
  2. STS-2A completed last night, here are the images and video. For this mission, I used the Octosat mod to make the satellites. While the satellites had enough dV to get to the Keosynchronous orbit themselves, I chose to put the shuttle into an resonant orbit, calculated by the Resonant Orbit Calculator, and at the Ap of each orbit released one satellite and circularized it's orbit. This placed all three satellites equidistant from each other. Full video (edited from Twitch stream): Mission Images
  3. Mainly because I'm not usually piloting the ascents, I usually use an autopilot such as Gravity Turn or MechJeb. So my piloting skills leave a bit to be desired. Because of that, I tend to overbuild my vessels to compensate Thank you, and I'm working on the posts for the next two now. Edit: Stupid forum merged my first mission post below STS-1B completed last night, here are the images and video. Note that the fuel pod's total weight is about 43 tons. This due to having to redesign it to fit into the Mk 2.5 shuttle Full video (edited from Twitch stream): Mission Images
  4. Oops, I forgot to say that the posted video is the final edit. I finished STS-1b and STS-2a last night, I'm working on the post now. This time I remembered to get images of everything, so while I don't need the video as proof, although I am getting that as well. STS-1b required a few quick-saves and reverts in the mission, mainly due to fat fingers and Trajectories miscalculating a landing point by nearly 1/4 around the planet. I'll be editing those out, so the missions will be complete from beginning to end
  5. New reelase, Fixed saving of profiles Fixed loading of profiles Some optimizations by reducing duplicate calls Following due to changes in KSP: Changed the OnLoad in the ScienceAlertProfileManager to calling a CoRoutine so it can wait until the scene is ready Changed the OnVesselChange in the ScienceAlertProfileManager to calling a CoRoutine so it can wait until the OnLoad is complete
  6. You mean when it shows the orbit you need to get to? Well, not saying it's impossible, just very, very difficult. Besides, learning how to do it is part of the fun
  7. I noticed that some images that used to be in my signature are missing. https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/kerbal-forum-uploads/monthly_2018_01/aXZS1v9.png.ddc6c9ee8990e2701bbd14416dc20395.png They seem to be from an S3 account on AWS, and it appears to be (based on the name) to be forum related. Does anyone have any idea what happened?
  8. STS-1a - First mission completed. I did it last night while streaming. Here are a few images, I'm editing the video down to only show the mission. Please note that the following images are from two different attempts. The video will be is continuous as proof of completion. This first mission was done using the Mk 2.5 Spaceplane parts as the main components of the shuttle Mod list (many are just visual and audio mods). Note that I used the Standard Fly-By-Wire of Atmosphere Autopilot to smooth out my control inputs. Mechjeb was used for some of the orbital maneuvers. I did not need to use any autopilot to fly back to the KSP. Complete video (41 minutes) here: On launch pad In orbit: Getting lined up for reentry burn Lined up for reentry Reentry Lined up for landing Wheels stop
  9. That may be a Unity issue. What I've found is that it hasn't done a CTD if I'm starting a game which is set to be fullscreen using these startup options: KSP_x64.exe -single-instance -popupwindow Actually, it may be because very few mods need to be updated for 1.6
  10. Other than the 1.6 issue of needing to reload 2x after changing parts mods, what other issue have you found on 1.6?
  11. @Gotmachine What's the status of 2.0? I see that there is a beta which has been there since April, is it ready for prime time yet?
  12. New release, Fixed lifting values for new wings Fixed lifting value for original wing Added two more wings, these are 2x and 3x of the stock Note that the original wing has lost some of it's lifting ability in this update
  13. New release, bug fix Fixed a problem with the jettison code, which was failing on vessels with many parts & tanks
  14. That would work. If I get some time, I'll see what I can do about it.
  15. I've pushed some changes back to your 1.5.x branch. I didn't see anything wrong with the exclude code, is it possible you didn't have the file there? Also, I found a small problem with the floating window, had to set one var to false and add a DragWindow(). As of now, it's working for me, I'll be putting it into my games this evening as a test
  16. Sure, I'll look at it tomorrow night during my coding stream. Feel free to watch, would be a kick having you watch. I stream 7pm US eastern
  17. And if you di get an answer, could you send me a copy? Thx
  18. Oh ok. So in the future, I'll have to use the correct branch. Thanks
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