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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Ok, I'll try to look at this later today or tomorrow. This is not a popular mod, probably why there isn't any traffic here
  2. Ummm, I don't recall saying anything about copyright. All I said was that you copied my template (which, although it is a T4 template, is still code AND is still copyrightable) without any comment in the file saying where you got it from. Why are you so sensitive to this? What's the harm or effort to acknowledging that someone else wrote something that you now use? Are you afraid that someone will think less of you? You know, you could have simply said something like "Of course I'll add a comment acknowledging the author", then spent maybe 30 seconds to add it to the file, rather than spending the several minutes it took to write your irritated reply This is my final word on the subject, I'm not going to respond further. I am just very puzzled over the attitude here.
  3. I've been able to design a simple station using 1.875 and 1.25 parts, which should be doable in 4 flights. I'll continue to not use tweakscale if at all possible (not even installed) Also, even though you said it was ok, I haven't used any atmo autopilot for long, straight flights
  4. Well, when you don't have a lot of space, you have to be inventive in order to fit things in. I'll have to find some hab and science modules which are 1.875 size, otherwise I'll have to start using a larger shuttle. I am trying to avoid Tweakscale, but if I have to use it to shrink down some 2.5m modules, would that be acceptable? Also, I gather that STA5-8 means that it will need 4 shuttle flights to assemble, is that correct?
  5. Because I got asked a support question which turned out to be Tweakscale related, I just took a dive into the Tweakscale code. Imagine my surprise when I came across some of my own code, the file version.tt, which, INCLUDING THE COMMENTS, the first 88 lines are direct copy of the file AssemblyVersion.tt which I include in every single one of my mods which has code. In fact, the only thing which is unique is the last 14 lines, which is a rather clever way to get the version info into the C code. I may copy it, if I do, be sure that I will be mentioning where I got it from. Let see, let me check all my mods....Yup, every one has a license, all of which seem to say something about attribution in one way or another. I'm not upset about you copying the file (in fact, I encourage it), but not even bothering to acknowledge where you get it from is rather tacky, to say the least.
  6. You got a response, see post right above this
  7. Nothing wrong with necroing your own thread :-) Welcome back, it's a nice looking plane
  8. 2.2.4 is not yet released, and it will hopefully fix the NullRefs you've been getting from AGM
  9. hmmm, that should be marked as compatible now. Anyway, try installing the version I sent you, it's 2.2.4 Also, we are derailing this thread, would you mind moving the discussion over to the AGM thread? I'm going to ask the mods to move the appropriate messages as well
  10. I figured something like that happened Ok, now I see it's 1.5.1 Are the AGM errors from a known issue? If not, can you provide mw with a way to replicate it? So nothing jumps out at me, other than wondering what's going on with AGM. I can say that you are at least one or two versions behind on AGM. You can get the latest for 1.5.1 from here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ActionGroupManager/releases/tag/ Not sure it will help, but get the ActionGroupManager- and install it, at least that will get you up-to-date. Meantime, I'll take a look at it to see if I can identify any issues I think I found the problem with AGM. If you are willing to try a new version, then get the appropriate file from here: https://jenkins.spacetux.net/job/A-F/job/ActionGroupManager/23/ Game version is the first part of the numeric filename. This version includes (last one is for your issue): Added russion translation, thanks github user @yadenisyur Fixed action groups being available in flight when buildings have not been upgraded Removed color code from log messages Add check in the SetupRootModule() for null refs
  11. All too true. There are quite a number of mods I would like to pick up, but can't due to their license. I've been successful in a few cases by emailing the authors, but there is no guarantee. There' even one mod that I'm aware of where the user created an account here, posted the mod and then never came back. He doesn't respond to any messages, which is a real shame.
  12. From looking at your log, you are running KSP 1.2.2, please confirm. And if so, then there is nothing for me to do. Both [x]Science and Science Alert have had significant updates since the 1.2.2 days I also didn't see any issues from AGM
  13. Nothing. This mod is a dependency for other mods. Just be sure to be running the latest version
  14. Somewhat inevitable given the functionality. Which one is worse? And can you be a bit more specific as to the impact?
  15. My second mission last night went rather badly, I was unable to dock the two shuttle together (I know, wasn't part of the challenge, but I was trying it) and then KSP just went a little weird. I took a look at the shuttle this morning, and realized that in my zeal to add in hidden RCS thrusters, I totally messed up the controls. I've fixed that, and hope to finish the STS4/4B tonight.
  16. I have, and in one of the Linux thread is a complete set of instructions on how to run KSP in Linux in a VM. Not too difficult to do, and the performance was acceptable. Swap your drives enough and you can wear out the connectors. They aren't designed for frequent swaps. It does include Fedora. As an aside, I may have been too harsh by using the word "fanboy", so I apologize for that. It was the assumption by the comment that irked me. And, I'll also concede the point that RH & CentOs aren't the top desktop Linux distros. Well, I'll disagree with you here. There are times when dual booting makes sense. After saying that, I'll confess to not having dual booted my system for at least 4 years, to the point that last month I pulled the old drive since it wasn't being used anymore
  17. It was the "That's how it should be" which I was referring to. And, my day job is a sysadmin/developer for linux systems. I've been doing it for a long tim. And if you ever watch me stream, you will see that I'm using Windows. I've been using linuxgurugamer for many, many years. Its unique. And I like it. Doesn't make me a fanboy. Where did the dual-boot come from? And, commercial support, is WHY I like RedHat. All I said was it was slanted because it was missing one of the biggest and best supported distributions.
  18. Slanted poll, no mention of Red Hart or it's derivatives That's how it should be. As for my current desktop distro And thus you are now identified as either a fanboy or an evangaligist. The OS is nothing more than a tool. You should always use the best tool for a job. For example, you wouldn't use a roofing hammer to put together picture frames. Likewise, you wouldn't use a framing hammer to put in a roof. Always going to be exceptions to the rule, so don't quibble with the basic premise
  19. Following up on this, I'm finding that TCA is not doing anything to balance the RCS. I just tested with a pretty balanced shuttle (the fore is slightly more powerful than aft), and when trying to translate, the shuttle slowly start rotating. I looked at TCA in the editor, and also reread the manual, which says: so what do I need to do to get this to work properly?
  20. STS-3 completed. 25.05030 degree orbit, Ap of 585km, Pe of 573.7 km high. Landed back at the KSC Complete video (1:53 long) And some pics Ascent Building the telescope Continuing the build Now for the second set of panels Deploying the panels Undocking from telescope, very carefully. and docking the MMUs back in the shuttle bay Reentry and flight back Post-mission pics Map view showing telescope
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