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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I am not even going to begin to think about how much code work would be required to implement this. it's much more involved than you think, and besides, I don't see a real need for it. The times that this would happen is so rare that it just isn't worth spending the time on it.
  2. I'm going to guess that you are running KSP 1.4.5. You need to tell CKAN to allow updates of mods from earlier versions on 1.4.x. I'm not at a computer right now, reply if you need more help
  3. There was a recent update to the toolbarcontroller which fixed this big
  4. Swap the two boards, the motherboard is selecting the 670 as primary
  5. If I wanted to block access to the unity analytics what Web site should I be blocking?
  6. Anytime you ask for help, you sh ou uld ALWAYS provide the log files, otherwise you are wasting people's time
  7. You could, but it will kill your performance, fill your disk, etc. If you want a video, use a screen capture program such as OBS
  8. New release, Fixed missing icons For some reason, the button icons had been removed from the repository, so they weren't bundled in the release.
  9. First, would be better if you just listed the steps without the commentary, kind of turns me off. Second, log file third, it's what I call a GOK (God Only Knows)
  10. Was this on the first time in, or did you go in and out a few times? Also, a log file would be useful (you should know this by now)
  11. ToolbarController, but it was a bug fix, nothing to do with this error. I'll look into it this evening.
  12. A bit stumped here. I need to be able to write some text to a Texture2D object (it's a graph, i want to put some text into the graph) I haven't found anything useful as yet (still looking), but was wondering if anyone has any suggestions. What would be really neat is if I'd be able to write the text in a curve (ie: around the circumference of a circle) Thanks in advance
  13. The blizzy toolbar doesnt show at all if there arent any buttons which have refistered themselves with it. So, if all your mods use the ToolbarController, and none are set to show on Blizzy, thenthere is nomreason for Blizzy to show itself.
  14. New release, Fixed bug where closing the Destination window closed both windows Added display of EC usage for the transmitter Added planet name to destination record Only display destinations on the current body
  15. Delete the file: GameData/toobar-settings.dat I asked for it, so no reason to apologize. I've gotten bigger ones also, I don't ask for that unless I'm stumped.
  16. For those interested, here is a picture showing the progress. Lots of progress, now I need to get the LOS lines working, and then implement dashed lines:
  17. The transmitter does use power, I'll have to see why it isn't showing up
  18. I found the problem. It is a subtle timing problem which doesn't happen all the time, which is what was confusing. I'll have an update out sometime soon New release, Fixed timing issue on toolbar registration Added log warning in case RegisterToolbar is called too late Thanks to @Apaseall for trying all my suggestions and providing the file that I requested.
  19. First thing that struck me was your screen resolution: SCREEN_RESOLUTION_WIDTH = 3840 SCREEN_RESOLUTION_HEIGHT = 2160 Was a bit startling, but I got past it. Good news is that the problem replicated itself, so I'll be able to figure it out
  20. Downloading now Download is complete, you can now delete the file
  21. New release, Optimized destination window a bit by moving the init for the GUIStyles out of the loop Made FTL Destination window more obvious Added choice of skin for windows. Added code to make window KSP skin a bit wider Added hiding of UI on F2
  22. It seems like its the same bug. I think I will simply add a chech which will disable FMR S if you jump to another vessel which isn't one of the ones its controlling.
  23. You should never, ever replace a file in another mod. If you can't get module manager to change it for you then ask for help because that's the right way to do it. By replacing the file, you make it impossible for anyone to do anything beyond creating a total new install if they need to update, or any other changes, etc
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