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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Oh. Blizzy doesnt automatically show buttons. You need to click on the blizzy dropdown and configure it to show the desired buttons.
  2. Ill look at it tomorrow, but on the meantime, can you set up another install without that starsystem and try it again?
  3. This change is probably what's causing the reported memory issues. Take a look at the ToolbarController, I have a function there which bypasses the issue. If you don't want to use the ToolbatController, then copy the function Also, to avoid the game loading the textures 2x, put them into the PluginData directory.
  4. The mod is NASA Countdiwn, you can add your own voices
  5. When I moved from 1.4.3 to 1.4.5, I didn't have any problems. I just told CKAN to update everything, and watched the AVC screen for any problems of missing mods
  6. No, it doesn't. Make sure you have the latest version installed, if you still have a problem, post a log file
  7. If you are going to quote the number of flight, then you should also say: Mercury: 6 flights Gemini: 19 launches, consisting of 2 unmanned, flights, 7 target vehicles and 10 crewed missions. 2 Agena's exploded during launch. One Agena failure in orbit (shroud separation failure). One Agena failure in orbit (defective engine). One mission aborted due to a stuck thruster on Gemini Apollo (lunar): 3 astronauts lost due to fire on the pad during a test. 11 flights. One disaster in flight (Apollo 13). Apollo (Skylab): Failure during Skylab launch led to delays and emergency repairs in orbit. 4 manned flights There were countless other near disasters which require more time to dig up than I have right now. There were 4x as many shuttle missions than all the manned Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo combined. The fact that the Shuttle had two fatal accidents in flight has led to a reevaluation of what safety systems are needed. Dragon has built-in thrusters which are the LES. The Starliner has some sort of pusher abort system.
  8. The Shuttles and BFS have a huge number of safety systems. Speak to @EJ_SA for details, he is an expert on the shuttle. As technology evolved, so did the safety systems. The Gemini lander as proposed didn't require the Saturn V. Now you are adding in several tons of propellant, which would then have required the development of something close to the Saturn V, with less capability.
  9. Better read up on Apollo 11. Thr original landing sight was level and clear of rocks. They overshot it be about 11km because of the computer problems they had on the way down. And that is why you want a more capable vessel, to have the capability to deal with unexpected circumstances. Thing of all the safetry systems in modern cars. They aren’t necessary to have the car do it’s thing, but are there for the unexpected. Given the safetry of modern cars, would you willingly purchase a car with the same systems as from the 50’s?
  10. Sounds like he wants to make a schoolbus, touring bus or something l8ke that
  11. I'm going to be adding a range value to the GPS transmitter, so different transmitters will have different ranges. Right now there is only one GPS transmitter, but I'm hoping to get one or two more. I'm adding this because I found that if you placed several GPS satellites in solar orbit, a gps receiver in solar orbit would work no matter how far you were from the transmitter.
  12. Here is an updated KJR for 1.4.x: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/releases/tag/
  13. That would be a @sarbian thing, not mine.
  14. I tested this and didn't have any problem, so I need that log file to be able to help you
  15. The antennas in this are using the stock antenna modules. Just make sure you have the latest version installed, and make sure that what you are using is listed as a relay
  16. Not in this. @OhioBob is one (he replied above), and there are others as well
  17. Thanks. and it turns out that Haystack also does this, so I now have two sources.
  18. Very simple. I'm wondering if someone has some code which will get the amount of a specific resource in an unloaded vessel. Just trying to not re-invent the wheel Thanks in advance
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