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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. That's because it is searching for any of those words. changeit from "any of my search terms" to "all of my search terms". You can also click "More options" to do more restrictions. Here is the search for "Unity Asset Store", looking for all the words: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/search/&q=unity asset store&search_and_or=and
  2. There are too many hits. So the server times out
  3. Provide a proper bug report, with details of what you did, what went wrong, and a link to a log file
  4. Would be nice if you posted a log file, and what version of the mod and KSP you are running
  5. If you had read the Quiztech thread, you would have seen this post: It's on the last page. you also didn't bother to mention which version of KSP you are running
  6. It is already compiled for 1. 4. Why should I pick up something which is currently being maintained?
  7. Listed in the OP: plugins are bundled anymore. The following are required: ModuleManager Firespitter Core (https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/releases) BahamutoD Animation Modules (https://github.com/raidernick/BDAnimationModules/releases/) The latest version of Quiztech is 1.3.13, and is listed as being compatible with up to 1.4.99 If you are getting warnings that it isn't compatible, then you need to upgrade to the latest version.
  8. I'll say it again: My main game has more than 250 mods, all installed by CKAN. I recently updated from 1.4.3 to 1.4.5, and all I had to do to update was to click a few buttons and wait a few minutes. I have rarely had a problem with CKAN, and no problems in the past year which affected the game. ALL of my mods are in CKAN, and it is the preferred way for installation of my mods. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better than updating 250 mods by hand. If I had to just check each mod, and took 1 minute to check a mod (being very optimistic), that would have taken more than 4 hours to update. People who insist on installing by hand are welcome to it. I'll use CKAN and be playing my game while they are still updating.
  9. I'm thinking of making the following changes to this: If an LES is mounted, the mod will automatically be active If any engines of any type are in the abort action group, assume they are an LES Make the Disable at Altitude altitude equal to the 2/3 of the current planet's atmosphere depth Make the Ignore AoA above altitude default to1/2 of the current planet's atmosphere depth I'm looking for comments on this I am open to other suggestions, probably won't do this until the weekend
  10. TweakableEverything has several DLLs, one for each function. So you can delete the dll for the docking ports and see if that fixes your issue
  11. Tweakable Everything is a mod, and it does/can impact the docking angle
  12. Maybe Tweakable Everything? A list of mods could be helpful
  13. I dont have time, but the following are active mods: RLA Continued Mk 2.5 Spaceplace Parts Recycled Parts Modular Fuel Tanks
  14. The ContractConfigurator thread is the right place to ask these questions
  15. I will see what I can do. I'm thinking of using patch manager to have an optional patch will still set it back to the old way of doing it. Do you think that would work? The only other alternative would be to have a second version and make them mutually exclusive so 1 1st would be the old D cow mud and the other version would be the new
  16. I appreciate that, but don't put a lot of time into it. Would it make sense for me to install one of you other mods which would have those experiments? I could also just edit the save file and delete it.
  17. Forget my game for a moment, what about just adding a NEEDS to the experiments? And, for my game, what would I need to install to be able to do the contract?
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