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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New release, Fixed Agent (was missing the title)
  2. What's wrong with it? edit: Missing the title, I'll fix and release
  3. @Alshain I am going to be rebuilding this for my own use (I need it for my 1.4.3 playthrough), and will be adding support for the ClickThroughBlocker and ToolbarController. Would you be interested in the changes? Edit: Just an FYI, a simple recompile was all that was needed to get the mod itself working in 1.4.3
  4. I've updated the OP with links to the required mods
  5. Getting a big orange yank to orbit isn't that difficult. It seems that you left so e details out
  6. I have no idea where to get them, or if they would even be usable in the current game. Besides, there are plenty of other mods with things like that
  7. Not stock, it's a mod that I wrote: The mod is a module added to a wing by a modder. To see an example, look at SXT, there is a retractable wing in there. Which is why I think you would have to exclude it, otherwise you would end up with a collapsible wing with fuel inside, not a great idea
  8. You might want to exclude parts which have the RetractableLiftingSurface module. Somehow I don't think that a collapsible wing is going to have any fuel in it.
  9. Ok, thanks, I'll get them updated New release, Fixed typo in subassemblies, from Wildcar to Wildcat
  10. @Angel-125 there are a few old version (back from the 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 days) listed in CKAN, but the max KSP version for them is 1.1.2/1.1.3. So no one should be seeing them with anything more recent than that. Let me know if you'd like me to get them totally removed.
  11. Yes, but in this specific case, they can be part of the tag syntax.
  12. @Gordon Dry Why don't you post a bug report in the ModuleManager thread? It seems that MM is not handing the UTF8 characters properly. Regarding this, those probably aren't bad chars (not sure), they may be part of the tag syntax
  13. Most likely you need to change the module to ModuleRCSFX instead of ModuleRcs, and add in the necessary effects. I've fixed this on my mods, let me know if you need help and which mods you are referring to
  14. I'll see, but for now, I don't really have the time. Might be worthwhile to do some investigation to see if it's possible to detect a non-breaking OnPartJointBreak event. Since I've run into this behaviour in other events, I'm not even going to begin to think about how to do that What is the format of that PartIgnoreList? I looked (since I know which part is the issue), but don't want to include parts which have similar names. I'd also suggest a debug mode, to make it easier to id which parts are having the events
  15. This isn't programming, it's working with 3D models. And, if the original models aren't available. it's extremely difficult to make changes
  16. I did a little work on this. Looks like the OnPartJointBreak is being called at times even when the joint isn't breaking. No idea why
  17. No, I don't. Would be best to contact @JadeOfMaar in the correct thread, he is pretty responsive and may be able to help you
  18. I finally traced an issue down to this mod. No logs right now I was in the middle of stream when it happened. I had a fairly long vessel as part of a space station I'm building. When I launched it, it would start smoking from all the joints. Same thing happened which I jettisoned the fairing on the launch pad as a test. Then, later in the evening, I had to go to the space center for some reason, and it started generating an endless series of NullRefs in the Update function Sadly, I've had to remove this mod.
  19. Would be best to install using CKAN, but the following are required: ModuleManager Firespitter Core BahamutoD Animation Modules
  20. Here is an unofficial version of KJR which is for 1.4.3, and should work in 1.4.4 https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/releases/tag/
  21. For anyone who wishes to disable the CTB functionality, I've created a dummy DLL, available here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ClickThroughBlocker/releases/download/ Simply replace the dll in the folder with this one, and it will be disabled. This can be useful if you are trying to isolate performance problems.
  22. Not easily. As you said, it's a Unity bug, would be rather difficult to work around it Sorry
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