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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Ill take a look, but please check the version of ClickThroughBlocker, and if not the latest, update and try again
  2. They are using doubles, which is 64 bit
  3. It's a KSP bug, use the World Stabilizer mod to fix it
  4. @tetryds Two things: First, the recommended convention on the forums is to keep the title of the thread updated with the latest version the mod is available for. The title says 1.2.1, yet it seems you updated it for 1.3 Second, and this is a personal recommendation, for something like this, which interacts with the game mechanics, I personally prefer to have a recomiled version for each major version of KSP. Because of this, I can't even consider trying this mod on 1.4
  5. New release, Added parameter to ignore AoA above specified altitude
  6. What makes you think it's not working? Post a link to a log file, nobody can do anything without that
  7. It's been there for a long time, but if you dont want it on CKAN, post a message in the CKAN thread
  8. Just guessing, that you have a 1.4.4 install. You need to tell CKAN to allow all 1.4 compatible mods. It in the setting menu.
  9. I'll look at it, right now I'm busy with another mod
  10. You can tell CKAN to install mods for 1.4.4 which are compatible with 1.4 by doing the following: At the main CKAN menu, goto the Settings menu, and then the Compatible KSP Versions Then, click the checkbox next to 1.4 and click Save
  11. New release, Fixed issue with explosions being detected on the launchpad before launching Added dependency checking
  12. It is supposed to wait. So, a craft file and a log file are needed to diagnose the problem
  13. The antenna probably diesnt have any drag. The battery, on the other hand, does
  14. Because it totally unofficial, was done mainly for me, and I offered the hand-merged changes to Ferram. Also, I just cleaned up the file a bit, you should only see the GameData And, to keep things kosher, the license is GPLv3 and is in the zip file as well as the main repo (my copy of the main repo)
  15. Mine is NOT official, but it is good for 1.4.x It contains a number of the bug fixes and updates that Meiru did. No support from me, but you can get my version here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/releases/tag/ The license is GPLv3 and is in the zip file as well as the main repo (my copy of the main repo)
  16. Well. A flight on kerbin is short, so if you se the mon to 1 day and the max high, it may do what you want since the vacation time is based on the length of the mission
  17. Make sure you have the latest version of the ToolbarController a d ClickThrough Blocker
  18. It doesn't, unless you use the orbital decay mod I should say that an orbit which dips into the atmo will decay if the vessel is loaded
  19. @nightingale Been doing some more digging into this problem. I have gotten to the point where is ee that the Science.GetSubjects() is returning null, around line 203 in Science.cs (I've added some debug statements, so not sure of the exact line in the github code) What it seems is that for all available bodies->experiments, there aren't any subjects being returned by the GetSubjects at line 130 Will continue digging, but have to go to work now
  20. What version of the game are you playing? Also, please check the settings to be sure that it is enabled for the various launchsites
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