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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I think you may have installed via CKAN, and he may have done it manually. Or, you had installed Firespitter to support another mod. The DLL was definitely missing
  2. New release, Added italian translation thank s to forum user @simog
  3. You know, this is why I released a beta, and contacted a lot of the major mod authors via PM, including yourself. And NO ONE BOTHERED TO GIVE FEEDBACK, except for two regular users. It was something I had done during testing, and forgot to remove, but I put it in the notes as I do all changes. I'll get it updated in a few minutes
  4. Ok, is now available again via CKAN Sorry for the problem
  5. Ok, the last version for 1.3.1 has been restored to both spacedock and github I have to fix a ckan error
  6. No, and i accedintly deleted that version. ill try to get a 1.3.1 version available soon
  7. Yes, but I mainly look at PRs, I don't do coding. I have plenty of other coding to do.
  8. Thanks. Now, what about putting a link to it on the main CKAN GitHub page?
  9. What's the subject?
  10. One of my few complaints about this project is that every time I need to download an updated version of netkan.exe, I can't find it. You really need to put a link to it on the CKAN page somewhere. So, obviously I need it, can someone get me a good link?
  11. Important update now available for KSP-AVC New version of MiniAVC now available: MiniAVC-V2 Forum user @cybutek has left this most important mod orphaned, so I've adopted it and fixed some of the outstanding bugs. Original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/72169-* This version only works in KSP 1.8.1 and later The Mini-AVC-V2 dll is available at the same site as the full KSP-AVC mod Links Download: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSPAddonVersionChecker/releases Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSPAddonVersionChecker Online Changelog: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxgurugamer/KSPAddonVersionChecker/master/ChangeLog.txt Available on CKAN License: GPLv3 https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer FOR DEVELOPERS... Have a question or require some help? Leave a message in this thread or PM me. If you wish your add-on to have KSP-AVC support even if the player does not have the KSP-AVC Plugin installed, you may use MiniAVC-V2. Just bundle the .dll in with your mod and version files. Because of the bundled nature, the player will be given the option to allow update checking on the first run. If the player does disable update checking, it will continue to run in local mode assessing game version compatibility. MiniAVC-V2 will always run from the most up-to-date version which has been bundled with any of the installed add-ons. If a player has KSP-AVC Plugin installed, MiniAVC-V2 will automatically be disabled to allow the KSP-AVC Plugin to run. For more information read the online readme file. Please note that if hosting a version file yourself, it must be encoded in UTF-8 without a Byte-Order Mark. The source code and project is part of the same repository on GitHub as KSP-AVC Plugin. Licensed under GNU General Public License v3 Additionally This software searches through only the KSP GameData directory and subfolders. This software contacts the internet to check if add-ons have newer versions available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. This software has the ability to open up a browser window to what is set in the DOWNLOAD field of the remote version file. All remote destinations set in version files are up to the respective add-on developers and I hold no responsibility for how these features are used.
  12. New release, Renamed MEMLander to MEMLanderSXT to avoid conflict with stock part
  13. And what is the name? I appreciate the bug report, but knowing the name would save me time
  14. Your conclusion was wrong, and it would nice if you would give someone the benefit of the doubt before making a conclusion. I don't mind mistakes being pointed out, but this was rude and uncalled for
  15. Ok, I was able to replicate it. I pushed out a new release, that seems to have fixed it. Make sure it is getting version
  16. it was a broken build process. I moved SXT to a new build system, the DLLs weren't included I've just released an updated build which includes the DLLs for Firespitter and the Retractable lifting Surface
  17. OBS is free, or even if you use a phone to record. But, I'm wondering if you are getting the different symmetry modes mixed up. Also, the mod is designed to change the symmetry count: X, Shift+X- Increase/Decrease symmetry level (Based on KSP's key map) Alt+X- Reset symmetry level (Based on KSP's key map) C, Shift+C- Increase/Decrease angle snap (Based on KSP's key map) Alt+C- Reset angle snap (Based on KSP's key map)
  18. I need some more information: First, a log file would answer most of these: What OS? What version of KSP? What video card?
  19. Just increase the probabilities in the settings to 100%
  20. new release, updated code to change first letter of modname based on homeworld
  21. No it doesn’t, it is atill supported, see this thread: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/49443-airships-in-13-hooliganlabs-mods/&page=53
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