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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I just released an update for Editor Extensions for KSP 1.4.2. It's using some new code to get some data at runtime, so hopefully I won't have to update it for the rest of the 1.4.* series.
  2. New release, Added code to dynamically assign Reflection offsets. Hopefully this will eliminate the need to do manual changes in the future Updated version to allow all 1.4.*
  3. It wouldn't make sense to listen to the remote for this setting. The whole idea behind the setting is to allow uses to override the remote.
  4. @Mark Kerbin and anybody else who wishes to help. I started a new thread here: Please test mods and report the status in this thread, I'll try to keep a running summary in the OP
  5. This thread is for people to report the status of my mods in the new 1.4.2
  6. Other than EEX, install and test all my mods which are updated and let me know the resukt
  7. This one was easy, very small, work is mostly done, will release this evening
  8. I guess you think I wrote that message for my health. Such as?
  9. No, no NO!!!!!! Not with this mod
  10. Please don't. The last time someone tried, they released a broken version. I'll get this updated first, this evening. It may appear to work, but things may be off. I STRONGLY suggest you don't edit the version file of EEX, and just be patient and wait a few hours
  11. Good to see you continuing this, I just took it off my list of potential adoptees The .version file is also usable by CKAN, if properly specified, it helps CKAN index it better. Feel free to ask for help if you need it
  12. You are fine with the license, but if you aren't going to do long-term support, then I'll add this to my list of adoptees.
  13. While I appreciate reports of things working, I am not providing any support for non-migrated/rebuilt mods.
  14. Unless, of course, it's a tiny black hole.......
  15. first off, for all intents and purposes, an asteroid has no gravity, or so little it isn't worth dealing with. Has to be a pretty big asteroid to have a significant gravity (ie: >0.01g) And, you kind of hit the nail on the head, adding yet another mechanic to the calculations of ALL the parts would just bog down the system even more
  16. Apology accepted. Please understand, I'm in the middle of updating over 130 mods, and I get these types of comments and PMs a lot, so after a while it's kind of hard to tell humor from hubris
  17. Ummm, there is an updated version for 1.4.1. Make sure you have the right one, also, make sure you install all the dependencies
  18. New release, Added German translation thanks to user @LeLeon Added Spanish translations thanks to user @fitiales
  19. Thank you for looking at it, it was just a bit frustrating that none of the people this was aimed at took the time to look at it. I restored it to preserve the same functionality as before Anyway, I'm thinking about adding a setting to make this optional. What I'm thinking of is to add a new optional parameter in the file which would say something like (one of the following): "LOCAL_HAS_PRIORITY": true "LOCAL_HAS_PRIORITY": false "REMOTE_HAS_PRIORITY": true "REMOTE_HAS_PRIORITY": false I would assume that most if not all authors would not include this, but it would be there for people who make local changes to override the normal behaviour. While I can add an option to the KSP-AVC code, that wouldn't be effective if the MiniAVC is being used, this would handle that. Comments?
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