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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. It's not going to work without some coding done. The code is directly referencing the KSP module: ModuleDeployableSolarPanel, i would have to add some code to work with the SSTUSolarPanelDeployable
  2. Check the log file, it will show you where the dll is running from. Ideally, you should see something like this: GameData\BahaSP\Plugins\BDAnimationModules.dll The full line from my log is: AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at R:\KSP_1.3.1_dev\GameData\BahaSP\Plugins\BDAnimationModules.dll I suspect you probably have another one somewhere you don't expect it to be.
  3. Is it only the aquatic one not working? That does help narrow it down
  4. LOL, are you going through my entire portfolio? I keep seeing your comments on more and more of my threads :-) Not complaining, just curious
  5. My guess is that there is an extra .version file somewhere. also, you probably updated ModuleManager at the same time. The error is a result of that, contact the IFS people about it
  6. I just downloaded the latest BDAnimnation, I am NOT getting all those buttons in the editor. I can't do anything right now about all the Gimbal messages in the window showing the engine info (from the parts list). And I did see the thrust particle effect animation issue (strange). Please post a log file so I can look at it.
  7. Which wiki? If it works for you, please let us know. But the wiki specifically says "for reasons no one has understood yet"
  8. According to your file, you did run the BSS-G around The Mun in high space. Is that where you are trying to use the greenhouse? Also, I was going to try to create a test install, but you have a lot of mods installed. Were they installed with CKAN? If so, can you please use CKAN to export the installed mods and send me that file? If not and if you have a good internet connection, please zip up everything in GameData except the Squad folder and get that to me. Send me that link in a PM please, not in the forum.
  9. New release, 1.5.8 Inline part added Added more default standard sizes Added toggle in settings window to reset standard sizes
  10. Try using Gravity Turn, it yhe most efficient autopilot
  11. Not at the present time, but really, it is quite low now. Basically, put some rcs thrusters on, start thrusting and then activate the engine
  12. Sorry to say, I don't use this mod. I'm basically doing recompiles to keep it working. Maybe some of the other users can answer your questions
  13. @Psycho_zs I wonder how they are going to implement it. Frankly, I don't have a problem with it using the entire throttle range for a limited thrust range. The only issue I see is that how do you turn off the engine. Right now, throttling down an engine will eventually turn it off. Using the entire throttle range prevents the engine from being accidently turned off. I know they can code it, but not sure if it's worth it.
  14. @Mecripp I just found and added the source Blender files for the NRAP model. It's now on Github, in the directory called Source Would be great if you could take it (there are three models) and make a flat-topped version for inline testing. If you can, send it to me (with the models, please) and I'll update the mod to include it
  15. Quick suggestion is to put it inside an inline fairing, make it small but heavy. The code has (had) stuff for a node at the top, but the model currently only has a bottom node.
  16. I don't understand what you are saying in that bug report, because ModuleEnginesFX derives from ModuleEngines, and minThrust is defined in ModuleEngines, there is no reference to minThrust in ModuleEnginesFX. This mod has no problem changing the minThrust for any engine, be it a ModuleEngines or ModuleEnginesFX Oh, I misunderstood You are correct, except that in your bug report you only mention ModuleEnginesFX, while I'm pretty sure it happens with ModuleEngines as well
  17. I see we are now descending into a rabbit hole (for those who don't know the reference, it's from Alice in Wonderland) Anyway, I didn't mean to get a huge thing going here, I was just commenting on a single rocketplane, and then it just went downhill from there. Let's please stop this, and get back to the topic, I will refrain from commenting on rocket-powered planes; since a number of you seem to feel it belongs in this topic, it's not up to me to decide what should and should not be here.
  18. IMPORTANT A significant bug was found which was preventing 3 stock engines from getting the igniters added. Please update ASAP to fix this: Release Replaced FOR clause with NEEDS clause in the stock file Can you try this again, please? Update the Engine Ignitor mod first, and then try it, please let me know. If it doesn't work, specific engines which it's not working on would help, thanks
  19. Gaaah I never uploaded it. Doing it now Ok, it's there now, sorry. Give CKAN a few minutes to update Let me know how it goes
  20. It is a rocket-powered plane. Of course, just my opinion. Let's see. No failures, every launch went well. Of course the early launches had issues, some of which were never resolved. The computers were not used to design the Saturn V. It was designed using sliderules. And I never said they didn't have computers. IMHO, the fact that a plane is propelled by a rocket ENGINE does not make it a rocket. Rockets are, by definition, wingless, and (usually) launch vertically.
  21. May be because you are running version, which was a beta version. Release version is 1.3.1
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