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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New release, 0.1.1 Moved mod into the 000_Toolbar directory Added method to return location of mouse at last buttonclick Added Enable method to enable/disable the button Added tooltip for stock buttons Added settings page Show tooltips Stock tooltip timeout This is essentially a production-ready release. Please, feedback is essential for a mod like this.
  2. I assume from the 1.3.0 that you are asking if this will work in 1.3.0. I dont' know, it really depends on whether the dependencies will. It won't hurt if you try it in a test install, be sure to download the latest versions of the KSPWheel and BDAnimation mods
  3. I assume this was about Kerbal Renamer? I had a specific need for it, long past. Thanks
  4. New release, Added subcategory for ModuleEnginesAJEJet Updated NamesAndIcons and 02_Engines to support the new AJE Jets Added new check to support checking the engine type Added ability to filter on partial part name Added configs for AJE jets and propellers Added configs for Airplane+ propellers Added new categories for engines: Prop engines Electric prop engines Added some additional filters for the various Firespitter engines
  5. The ssl certificate for Spacedock has expired. I'm sure they will get it taken care of sopn. It is still up, you can go there and download directly, I did it earlier today
  6. No. I need a log file, and, are you running the latest version, this sounds like a bug which I recently fixed
  7. This problem is happening because AJE is removing the IntakeAir as a propellent. FE displays the engines sorted by the propellents the use, and now jets only use liquid, as does nuclear engines. The category is really engines that only use liquid, which up until now was only nuclear. I’m working on a fix now
  8. Try this and please let me know how it works https://www.dropbox.com/s/zu96dgkfnvfpkk5/FuseBoxContinued-
  9. I have tooltips working for stock buttons now, will be in next update
  10. It turns out to be easier than I thoughht. I am going to wait a day or so before an update, but the following are slated to be in the next update: 1, The mod will be moved into the same folder/directory as the toolbar. Needed to ensure it gets loaded i the proper order. 2. A method to return the last position of the mouse when a button is clicked. I am not at this time intending to expose the buttons. If you need some special logic for a button, then you probably will want to do the button logic yourself. This is intended to be a wrapper around both types of toolbars, and for that use case, the functionality implemented needs to be a common as possible.
  11. Ah, well, I was concentrating on the jets and learning the FE syntax at the same time. I'll get to that tomorrow, although I may need to add another icon for the props
  12. Only if it is available from either of the two methods. It's only doing a passthrough, so unless it is there, I can't add it. I know I haven't implemented all of the Blizzy functions, if needed I can easily add them Edit: I may be able to do it, but it won't happen until tomorrow
  13. I hope so, and I'll be releasing Flight Plan which uses this over the weekend, as well as updating Engine Ignitor to use this (which is where the basic code was originally done)
  14. When KSP was first released, all those years ago, there wasn't any toolbar, so @blizzy78 made the very popular toolbar which many mods use. Then KSP released the stock toolbar. Many people like and use the stock toolbar, and many like and use the Blizzy toolbar. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Most if not all of my mods allow the user to use either one. I got tired of recoding the toolbars for every mod, and came up with this mod to make life much easier, and wrote an interface to control both the Blizzy Toolbar and the stock Toolbar without having to code for each one. This mod will do nothing without a mod being coded to support it Most important (for mod authors) All mods using this should add the following line to the AssemblyInfo.cs file: [assembly: KSPAssemblyDependency("ToolbarController", 1, 0)] This will guarantee the load order. One benefit is that KSP will output a warning and won't load an assembly if it's dependencies aren't met (which may be better than puking out a bunch of exceptions). The only other real problem with the forced to the top of the sort list method is that technically there's a couple characters before zero ('~', '!', '@', etc.) and dlls directly in GameData come first too. Of course someone pretty much has to be trying to break things if you have to worry about this particular case. Dependency Click Through Blocker CKAN has been updated to install the dependencies, if needed. MODDERS NOTE A significant update has just been released, which adds functionality and reduces complexity Buttons can now be displayed on both toolbars simultaneously. Button settings can now be stored by the ToolbarController itself, eliminating the need to save it in the mod settings. This is done by registering the button before or when the MainMenu is reached, see the example code below. If using registration, then no need to have any call in the OnGUI method If you do change the blizzy/stock options, then a single call to the following method will suffice: toolbarControl.UseButtons(string NameSpace); The documentation below has been updated for the new features Currently available on Github: Source:https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ToolbarControl Download: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ToolbarControl/releases License: GPLv3 Available in CKAN . Now, instead of having gobs of code to support both toolbars, it can be reduced to three statements: A new feature is to add the ability for a mod to register with the ToolbarController. Registration adds the following benefits: The mod no longer has to deal with the Blizzy toolbar at all. The ToolbarController now has the ability to store the toolbar settings as which which (or both) buttons should be displayed The ability to show the buttons on both toolbars has been added The ability to hide both buttons has been added To use the the new features, you need to first register the mod with the ToolbarController, either before or when the MainMenu has been reached. The following is an example: To create the toolbars (example is from FlightPlan) without using registration: For both methods, to remove the toolbars: Unlike the Blizzy toolbar, this mod is a hard dependency, but, if the Blizzy toolbar isn't there, it will work quite nicely with the stock toolbar. // If true, activates Blizzy toolbar, if available. Otherwise, use the stock toolbar // If not updating in an OnGUI, call this BEFORE creating the button public void UseBlizzy(bool useBlizzy) // If true, activates stock toolbar, if available. Otherwise, use the Blizzy toolbar // If not updating in an OnGUI, call this BEFORE creating the button public void UseStock(bool useStock) // The TC_ClickHander is a delegate used to pass in a method reference in the AddToAllToolbars methods below public delegate void TC_ClickHandler(); The method AddToAllToolbars() has several definitions. All parameters are the same, the only difference is that the shorter ones don't pass in unneeded parameters (Callback onTrue, Callback onFalse, Callback onHover, Callback onHoverOut, Callback onEnable, Callback onDisable, AppScenes visibleInScenes, Texture texture); Methods to either get or set the BlizzyActive and StockActive settings: public static bool BlizzyActive(string NameSpace, bool? useBlizzy = null) public static bool StockActive(string NameSpace, bool? useStock = null) Method to set status of both buttons: public static void ButtonsActive(string NameSpace, bool? useStock, bool? useBlizzy) Definitions The onTrue parameter is unique in that it applies both to the stock toolbar and the Blizzy toolbar. onTrue Corresponds to the onTrue parameter in the AddModApplication() function. This also corresponds to the blizzyButton.OnClick setting The following corresponds to the same parameter in the AddModApplication() method onFalse onHover onHoverOut onenable onDisable visibleInScenes The values are the same as stock ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes. The mod will use this to build the appropriate values for the Blizzy toolbar Icons largeToolbarIcon used for the stock toolbar smallToolbarIcon Used for the Blizzy toolbar If used, the following will be used to change the icon depending on whether it is active or not largeToolbarIconActive large is used for the stock toolbar largeToolbarIconInactive smallToolbarIconActive small is used for Blizzy toolbar smallToolbarIconInactive The following are used by the Blizzy toolbar only NameSpace Namespace of the mod toolbarId unique id for the toolbar tooltip tooltip which is shown when hovering the mouse over the button The following are used by the RegisterMod method NameSpace Same namespace as for the AddToAllToolbars() DisplayName Name of mod in display format, used on the ToolbarControl page The following methods are available, more can be added if requested public void AddToAllToolbars(TC_ClickHandler onTrue, TC_ClickHandler onFalse, ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes visibleInScenes, string nameSpace, string toolbarId, string largeToolbarIcon, string smallToolbarIcon, string toolTip = "") public void AddToAllToolbars(TC_ClickHandler onTrue, TC_ClickHandler onFalse, ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes visibleInScenes, string nameSpace, string toolbarId, string largeToolbarIconActive, string largeToolbarIconInactive, string smallToolbarIconActive, string smallToolbarIconInactive, string toolTip = "") public void AddToAllToolbars(TC_ClickHandler onTrue, TC_ClickHandler onFalse, TC_ClickHandler onHover, TC_ClickHandler onHoverOut, TC_ClickHandler onEnable, TC_ClickHandler onDisable, ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes visibleInScenes, string nameSpace, string toolbarId, string largeToolbarIcon, string smallToolbarIcon, string toolTip = "") public void AddToAllToolbars(TC_ClickHandler onTrue, TC_ClickHandler onFalse, TC_ClickHandler onHover, TC_ClickHandler onHoverOut, TC_ClickHandler onEnable, TC_ClickHandler onDisable, ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes visibleInScenes, string nameSpace, string toolbarId, string largeToolbarIconActive, string largeToolbarIconInactive, string smallToolbarIconActive, string smallToolbarIconInactive, string toolTip = "") If you need to use Left and Right clicks (seperate from the onTrue and onFalse), the following is available. Not that if you have an onTrue/onFalse specified along with an onLeftClick, both will be called: public void AddLeftRightClickCallbacks(TC_ClickHandler onLeftClick, TC_ClickHandler onRightClick) You have the ability to manually set a button active or inactive using the SetTrue() and SetFalse() methods. If the makeCall parameter is true, then it will call the appropriate methods, assuming the methods were defined when the button was created: public void SetTrue(bool makeCall = false) public void SetFalse(bool makeCall = false) If you wish to control the icon on the button directly (for example, you have 3 different icons), the following function is available. Note that once you use this, the mod will not change the icons any more, you will be responsible for all further icon changes: public void SetTexture(string large, string small) The following only applies if the mod is NOT registered with the ToolbarController: If you have the toolbar selectable in a settings page, you an ensure that any time the user changes the setting the toolbar will change immediately by adding the following (example from FlightPlanner): private void OnGUI() { if (toolbarControl != null) toolbarControl.UseBlizzy(HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams<FP>().useBlizzy); } You can also add, if you like, various callbacks to monitor the settings. This is a very lightweight call, if there isn't any change, it returns immediately. This is not needed when the mod is registered. The following function was added because of Unity's inability to properly load images which aren't a power of 2. This function will attempt to load either a file, PNG, JPG, or DDS from the specified path. While it isn't really specific to the ToolbarController, since I needed it to make the mod work properly, I decided to make it public for others to use. It first checks to see if the actual file is there, if not, it then looks for either a PNG, JPG, GIF or DDS format files. public static Boolean LoadImageFromFile(ref Texture2D tex, String fileNamePath) Mod authors, please let me know if you use this mod
  15. Due to Advanced Jet Engines changing things in a drastic way, I've had to add a new filter to Fiilter Extensions: New release, Added subcategory for ModuleEnginesAJEJet Updated NamesAndIcons and 02_Engines to support the new AJE Jets
  16. AJC is changing all the module names, so Filter Extensions has no idea what to do with them. I'll see what I can do
  17. Then it seems that AJC is changing things unexpectedly. I dont use it, since it requires FAR, but Ill take a look
  18. New release, 1.3.2 Reverted TGA files for the Vector effects Moved curved RCS port into it's own
  19. The problem with the thrust animation is the result of converting some files to DDS format, I'm working on a fix now
  20. I totally agree. Wonder what happens now? Interesting analysis. But it doesn't address your first point. Throttle mapping needs to be done the same for all active engines. I think the simplest would one of the following: Throttle mapping is not stretched at all Throttle mapping is stretected to whichever engine has the lowest minThrust setting
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