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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. This is at least the 2nd time you've asked a question like this without anything to back it up or any reason to. You really need to stop posting questions like this, otherwise people will just ignore you
  2. It's actually higher, there are a couple which are in beta, and I don't think that list includes the contract packs
  3. Don't you think I know that? Do you have any idea how many mods I need to update? Whatever you guess, it's going to be too low. Here is a link to a page where you can see all of my mods' statuses: Any more comments, and I'll move this to the bottom of the list
  4. New release, 2.3.8: updated for 1.3 Updated dialog calls for new 1.3 parameter Added DisplaySection function, will need to localize it
  5. New release, 0.3.0: Replaced depreciated call to GameEvents.onLevelWasLoaded with Unity SceneManagment calls Moved search filter initialization into coroutine because of 1.3 change Replaced Input.GetKey with ExtendedInput.GetKey
  6. I've just started to update one mod, and have already come across stuff which isn't mentioned in the notes. So, I'm starting this thread to let everyone list their findings: To start: EditorPartList.Instance is not instantiated when SceneManager.sceneLoaded calls a function. you need to move your code into a CoRoutine, and wait until EditorPartList.Instance is not null Replace Input.GetKey() with ExtendedInput.GetKey when using extended key codes
  7. The notes say the following: and, looking at the KeyBinding class, I see KeyCodesExtended for primary and secondary. and, I figured out that to see a Keydown, the following seems to work: GameSettings.MODIFIER_KEY.GetKeyDown() but, how can I tell if it was the primary or secondary which was pressed?
  8. Really? Would be nice to find out, could you see if that's it?
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